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SQL Error : 1146 Table 'magpies_phpBB.iai_cron_posts' doesn't exist

SELECT c.*, pt.post_text AS past_message, pt.bbcode_uid AS past_bbcode_uid, p.post_username, p.poster_id, t.topic_last_post_id FROM iai_cron_posts c, magpies_phpBB_posts_text pt, magpies_phpBB_posts p, magpies_phpBB_topics t WHERE c.update_time < 1720672458 AND pt.post_id = c.past_post_id AND p.post_id = c.past_post_id AND t.topic_id = p.topic_id

Line : 48
File : iai_cron.php

message_die() was called multiple times. This isn't supposed to happen. Was message_die() used in page_tail.php?