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Joined: 28 Aug 2007

PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 9:24 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

The Plot Sickens…

Season Five

Okay, okay, I know I said the last season was the final one, but I’ve had lots of people asking me why I’m not continuing with this, so I thought I’d bring the gang back for one last hurrah. Any thoughts, comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Episode 135

Where the Wild Things Are

‘Oh crap!’ Danni yelled, squeezing Nick’s hand like a vice. ‘That one was harsh!’
She breathed loudly through her mouth in between contractions. This baby had taken its time to get moving, but once it had decided to make its appearance in the world, it was all systems go. Nick had only left her side once, and that was to call Heath and let him know his baby was on the way, leaving Danni to scream like a banshee, spouting language Rodney Rude would have been proud of. Now she was getting red in the face, squatting on the bed like a wild thing, looking a little like a baboon in the middle of a mating ritual.
Nick didn’t want to tell her that, though. He thought she was beautiful most of the time but even he had to admit that childbirth was, well… less than sexy!
‘Get the god-damned doctor’ Danni panted. ‘I think its coming’.
Five minutes of pushing later, the doctor held up a wailing, red, perfectly healthy little boy. ‘Does the father want to cut the cord?’ the Indian doctor asked, looking at Nick.
‘Oh’ Nick said, flustered. ‘I’m not the father. Danni’s a surrogate. He should be here soon, though’.
The doctor raised an eyebrow. ‘Well, I can’t exactly hold the baby like this until he gets here! Do you want to do the honours?’
‘Yeah, go on, honey’ Danni said, smiling. ‘Get in some practice for the real thing’.
‘This is about as real as it gets’ said Nick, taking the scissors from the doctor once the cord had been clamped. ‘This isn’t going to squirt blood at me, is it?’
‘No. Cut away’ the doctor ordered. ‘We need to clean the baby and weigh it’.
Once the baby was weighed, Danni watched as the doctor and a nurse did the Apgar test on the newborn. She couldn’t explain the way she was feeling. A sense of déjà vu came over her, like she’d done this all before. Maybe they’d turn around and tell her the baby had not survived. She’d heard him cry but she couldn’t help but think something was bound to go wrong. It had been a perfect pregnancy. Too perfect. Danni felt like she had been crossing her fingers for nine long months.
‘He’s 100% healthy’ said the nurse, holding the baby wrapped in a blanket. ‘He is 7lbs 9oz, which is a perfectly normal weight. He has ten fingers, ten toes and gosh – look at the ginger hair!’ She held out the baby so Nick and Danni could see. Danni had told the hospital staff that she didn’t want to hold the baby when it was born. It would be too hard for her to give it up if she did. ‘He’s gorgeous’ she said, smiling sadly. ‘Heath will be thrilled’.
‘Do you know what names he was thinking of?’ the nurse asked.
‘Oh, he ran some by us. I think Jenson was one of them. Kind of a tribute to the baby’s mum. She died last year’ Danni explained.
‘I think we should wait until Heath gets here’ Nick said. ‘He might have changed his mind about calling it Jenson’.
‘I hope not’ Danni said. ‘It suits the little guy’.
They both looked down at the baby, who looked up at them with a curious expression. Like most newborns, he had dark blue eyes, which were only partially open.
The nurse whisked the baby away. ‘I’ve just got to go and do the old heel prick test’ she assured them. ‘He’ll be back in a minute’.
Nick kissed Danni on the forehead. ‘Did I tell you how proud I was of you?’
‘Yes’ Danni smiled. ‘But you can say it again’.
‘I’m very proud of you’ Nick said. ‘And I can’t wait to start trying for our own little Maxwells’.
Danni gasped. ‘Are you serious?’
‘Totally’ Nick said. ‘In fact, as soon as the doctor gives you the go ahead, we’ll start trying’.
‘I love you’ Danni sighed. ‘You don’t know how hard not holding that baby was. But if I had, I was scared I wouldn’t want to give him to Heath’.
‘I know’ Nick said. ‘But that doesn’t make me any less proud of you. I love you too, by the way’.
‘It’s going to be harder to go home without a baby’ Danni said, staring at the empty hospital cot by her bed. ‘I know what that’s like, at least’.
‘Hey’ Nick said, rubbing her shoulder. ‘At least this time, there’s a happy ending. You did a really generous thing. You should be proud of yourself. And Heath said you could see the baby whenever you want’.
‘I know’ Danni said. ‘But it still feels… strange’.
At that point, Heath walked in, holding a teddy with a balloon tied to its arm. His eyes went straight to the cot, then to Danni. ‘Where’s the baby?’ he asked, looking alarmed.
Danni laughed. ‘Don’t worry. The nurse is doing some routine tests, that’s all. He’s perfect, Heath’.
Heath leaned down and hugged Danni. ‘I don’t know how to thank you for doing this’ he said. ‘Talk about going beyond the call of duty! You could have asked for a caesarean, you know’.
‘I know’ Danni laughed. ‘But where’s the fun in that? Besides, the last thing this bod needs is an extra spare tyre’.
Nick laughed. ‘What do you mean, extra? You’re not fat’.
Danni raised an eyebrow at him. ‘Oookay’ she said. ‘Whatever you say, honey!’
‘You’re not’ Nick insisted.
‘Okay’ Danni said. ‘But its way past medication time for you, buddy’.
Heath laughed. Then he turned as the nurse walked back in, holding a bundle wrapped in a blue blanket. ‘Ah, I think we have the father’ the nurse said. ‘Am I right?’
Heath nodded, a glimmer of a tear in his eye. He held his arms out for his son. The nurse gently passed over the baby, who immediately held out a tiny fist and clung to Heath’s finger.
‘Aw, he knows you’re his’ the nurse said.
Heath didn’t answer. He looked at his son in wonder. Backing into a seat, he sat down and nursed his little boy. ‘Hello mate’ he said. ‘I’m your Dad. Yes I am! We’re gonna get on like a house on fire. You’ll see’.
Danni and Nick smiled at each other. Danni instantly felt better. She knew she’d done the right thing now. ‘What are you going to call him?’ she asked Heath.
‘Oh, there’s only one name for this fellow’ said Heath. ‘Danni and Nick, meet Jenson Daniel Shaw’.


The boys marched out onto Gosch’s Paddock at nine o’clock on Monday for the first day of training before their Round One clash with Richmond. The day was sunny and unseasonably warm, so most of the guys ripped off their training tops straight away, ignoring the hooting and hollering from the boundary. A new group of scrubbers waited by the legendary goalposts; girls who barely looked old enough to vote. They all wore their treasured Collingwood Guernseys, covered in autographs and bearing the number of their favourite player. Daisy’s fans were out in full force, as usual; as were devotees of some of the new boys. There was a girl sporting the number 16 who looked like she had left her bra at home. She jumped up and down, shouting “I love you Nathan!” whenever the group jogged past the goalposts. Poor Brownie went all kinds of red with embarrassment. He was glad Em wasn’t there to witness his own private cheer squad. She was at home with the baby – Dale’s baby, of course – who was recovering from an episode of croup. Nathan couldn’t get over how sickly the baby was. In the three months since it was born, Dale’s little boy had been in hospital with croup, eczema, whooping cough and gastroenteritis. He was lactose intolerant and intolerant of sleep, too, it seemed. Nothing Em did could make that kid sleep for more than an hour at a time. Their sex life had gone out the window. The only alone time they got together was when Dale would take little Damien – named after Damien Monkhurst – off their hands for the weekend. And those times were few and far between!
Em had undergone a bit of a personality change when she had her baby, as well. No longer was she the in-charge person Nathan had fallen in love with. She was coming apart at the seams. The lack of sleep didn’t help matters much. Nathan was considering taking her to a counsellor. Maybe she was suffering from post-natal depression?
‘Brownie! Pay attention!’
Nathan blinked and copped a football right in the solar plexus. He doubled over in agony.
‘Oh, sorry mate’ Josh Fraser said, jogging over to him. ‘I didn’t realise you weren’t ready to catch it’.
‘No worries’ Nathan breathed. ‘Bluey’s right. I wasn’t paying attention’.
‘What’s wrong?’ Josh asked.
‘It’s the kid. He was up all night last night, as well. I haven’t had a decent night’s sleep since he was born. Seriously, I’d think of moving out if I wasn’t so worried about Em’.
‘What about Em?’
Nathan looked around to see if they were being watched, or worse, listened to. ‘I don’t think she’s coping very well’ he admitted. ‘And no wonder, Dale left her while she was pregnant and now she’s got to look after this kid who’s sick all the time. Not that it’s the little guy’s fault… But Dale could be doing more’.
‘Come on, fellas’ Mick urged, walking over. ‘Enough of the mothers meetings! Get back to training’.
Meanwhile, the group at the boundary were getting rowdier as the shirts continued to come off. ‘Oow’ shrieked one of the scrubbers. ‘Luke, I so want your baby!’
Luke Casey-Leigh grimaced as his mates laughed. ‘As if’ he said. ‘I wouldn’t touch that skank with a barge pole’.
‘She so wants your baby though, mate’ Sharrod Wellingham laughed.
‘She can want all she likes’ Luke muttered.
‘The one with blonde hair isn’t bad’ observed Jaxson Barham.
‘You’ve got to be kidding!’ Luke exclaimed. ‘They’re scrubbers, dude! Total dogs! The tall one looks like Amy Winehouse! You need glasses, mate’.
‘I was just trying to be nice’ Barham said. ‘But yeah, I see your point. The brunette’s got a face only a mother could love’.

Down on the boundary, the four deluded pie fans jumped up and down ecstatically every time the boys ran past. ‘Settle down, you two’ their friend who looked like Amy Winehouse sulked, when she realised her favourite, Cameron Wood, was checking out her friend Lola, the only blonde in the group. Huh, she thought. Typical!
‘Hey Tori’ Lola said, ‘What’s up your back passage? Hasn’t Cameron noticed you yet?’
‘Oh get stuffed, Lola’ Tori barked. ‘He’ll notice me. Watch this’. Tori waited for Cameron, one of the tallest players in the team, to pass by, then blew him a kiss and pulled up her Guernsey. She’d pasted the numbers 1 and 9 over her nipples. She was so flat the numbers practically covered her anyway.
‘Oh my God’ breathed Sam, their friend who was in love with Luke Casey Leigh. ‘Are you a total minge, or what?’
‘He looked at me, didn’t he?’ Tori challenged. ‘Which is more than I can say for Luke! I think he was laughing about you with his friends, before’.
‘No, that was you he was laughing at’ Sami said, angrily. ‘Wake up and smell the reality, Tori’.
‘Will you two bitches please get a grip and stop fighting?’ Nicky, Nathan Brown’s “biggest fan”. ‘I’m trying to watch training’.
‘Trying to perve at Nathan, more like it’ Tori bit back.
‘You can talk’.
From there it pretty much disintegrated into an all-out cat fight, with Nicky grabbing Tori by her long black hair and Tori trying to scratch Nicky’s eyes out.
‘Oh look’ Jaxson Barham laughed, elbowing Nathan Brown in the ribs. ‘Your fan’s getting a tad possessive’.
Nathan shuddered. None of those girls were a match for Em, either in fighting or in looks. ‘Spare me’ he said. ‘I wish Em was here, now! She could beat those two with one hand tied behind her back’.
Just as he said that, one of the girls got between the two brawling barkers and managed to separate them. Hissing could be heard from twenty metres away.
‘Come on you two’ Lola said, impatiently. ‘If we’re ever going to get into the Inner Sanctum, we’ve got to work together. Be each other’s wing-men’.
‘Don’t you mean, wing-women?’ Nicky asked, patting down her hair self-consciously.
‘No, well… Yes, but wing men sounds better’ Lola said. ‘Anyway, you know what I mean! Let’s go, before the boys hit the showers. I have a plan that will get us further than any fan has gone before’.
‘Really?’ asked Sam, ever so slightly sceptical. ‘I heard that the last bunch of boundary riders ended up marrying Heath Shaw and going out with Travis Cloke! Not to mention Leelee Lonie! I mean, those girls were just like us! It’s not as if it hasn’t been done before’.
‘Okay, okay, it may not be uncharted territory, but we’ll do it anyway. Let’s go’ Lola urged. ‘Before the boys go for the showers and catch us’.


Meanwhile, Bella was back from her whirlwind honeymoon Dean-less, as usual. He’d had to go back to work on the Neighbours set almost the minute they set foot back in Melbourne. Mia was spending time with her grandmother, so Bella had the house all to herself. Which was fine by her. There were so many wedding presents to put away, as well as the nursery to decorate. Dean had bought them a gorgeous townhouse in South Yarra. It had three bedrooms, a spa in the ensuite and two entertaining areas. She especially loved the extra large shower. Two people could fit in there, easily!
She was humming “Nine in the Afternoon” to herself while folding baby clothes, when she heard a knock on the door. Getting up from the floor now that she was four months pregnant and starting to show wasn’t as easy as it used to be. ‘I’m coming!’ she called, putting a hand on the small of her back as she waddled down the hall. She looked through the tiny peep-hole, and gasped. What the hell was he doing back here?
She opened the door. ‘Brendan?!’
He grinned at her. ‘Hi, Bella-girl. You’re a hard one to find, these days’.
‘But… What… How…’
‘With great difficulty. In the end, I rang the HERS offices. Danni was most helpful’.
‘I’ll bet’ Bella muttered. ‘Did she also tell you I’m newly married?’
‘She did’ Brendan admitted. ‘But since when have I ever let that stop me?’
‘Brendan, you can’t…’ Bella began, but his lips on hers cut off all hope of escape.


Strauchanie joined Joffa on the boundary line. ‘Mate!’ he said, throwing his arm around the most famous Collingwood supporter in Australia (apart from Eddie Maguire, of course). ‘How’s tricks?’
‘Pretty good mate’ Joffa said. ‘Have a beer’.
‘Don’t mind if I do’ Strauchanie said, settling himself down in his favourite folding chair, a stubby holder in one hand and a Collingwood flag in the other. ‘Ah, this is the life’.
‘You said it, mate’ Joffa said, handing Strauchanie a Coldie. ‘Doesn’t get much better than this’.
‘Oh well… Game day when the Pies are winning is slightly better’ Strauchanie conceded.
‘Only a premiership would be better than that’ Joffa agreed.
‘So’ Strauchanie said. ‘I hear the bloke who plays the mascot has retired. They’re not looking for anyone else, by any chance?’
‘You’re not thinking of taking that on again, are you?’ Joffa laughed. ‘I thought that kangaroo kicking the shit out of you might have put you off that lark’.
‘Well, we’ve sorted that out, you see’ Strauchanie explained. ‘He realised his mistake, and was gentlemanly enough to apologise, and buy me a beer’.
‘That was awfully decent of him’ Joffa said. ‘Maybe you should put on the costume again. You were a great mascot, Strauchanie’.
‘I was?’ Strauchanie asked. ‘Cool’.
‘Yeah’ Joffa said. ‘And you’re happy to make a fool of yourself in front of millions, so you’d be perfect for the job’.
‘Gee, tah mate’ Strauchanie said. ‘Did I really make a fool of myself?’
‘No more or less than any other mascot’ Joffa reassured him.
‘You’re probably right’ Strauchanie sighed. ‘I just need a job! Sharon’s been great, but she won’t put up with me mooching off her forever. Maybe I should go and try to get my old job at the Lexus Centre back’.
‘That might be an idea’ Joffa agreed. ‘Do you think they’d have you?’
‘Well, my duties might be slightly lighter. I mean, I stuffed me back in the accident, so I won’t be doing any bending and lifting, but I can fill water bottles. I’m not completely useless’.
‘I reckon you might be onto something there, mate’ Joffa said, holding up his stubbie. ‘Let’s drink to the return of Bryan Strauchan! We’ve missed you around here, mate, I don’t mind saying’.
‘To me’ Strauchanie grinned, hoisting his beer in the air. ‘To getting the old job back and working for the best team in the league’.
After watching training, Strauchanie made his way over to Mick. ‘Hi mate’ he said. ‘Can we have a yarn?’
‘Of course, Bryan’ Mick said. ‘What’s on your mind?’
‘Well… the thing is… I’d like my old job back. I mean, I know my back’s not what it used to be, but I can be of some use…’
‘Say no more, Bryan’ Mick said. ‘But you might have to job-share. We’ve hired a girl to clean the gym and showers. But we’ll find something for you to do. Come with me, and I’ll introduce you’.
Strauchanie followed Mick into the rooms. A girl was wiping over the massage tables and replacing the towels. ‘Bryan’ Mick said. ‘This is Taylah. She’s our new custodial engineer around here. You’ll be working with her, doing whatever you can manage’.
Taylah held out a hand. ‘G’day Strauchanie’ she said. ‘Good to see you back’.
‘Hey’ Strauchanie said. ‘Aren’t you one of the Bitches of Eastwick?’
‘Huh?’ Taylah asked, frowning.
Strauchanie remembered – too late of course – that he’d let slip the old nickname for Taylah and her charming pals. ‘Um… Aren’t you a witch?’ he said, feeling his cheeks burn.
‘Yeah, so what? I’ve got a kid to support now. She’s at day-care. This is only a part-time gig. Besides, it’s helping me lose all the baby weight I put on, and I get to see the guys every day. The perks are worth cleaning a few toilets’.
Strauchanie noticed that she had indeed lost a few pounds. She was still on the large side, but nowhere near as bad as last year. He hadn’t even realised she had been pregnant until Sharon told him.
‘I’m auditioning for the Biggest Loser, as well. Hey, maybe you should, too’ Taylah said. ‘You could afford to lose a few kilos’.
Strauchanie looked down at himself. ‘Oh, I don’t know. Being in hospital’s a pretty good way to lose weight. I think I look better than I did when I was playing’.
‘Maybe’ Taylah said. ‘Just think about it, though. The main prize is two hundred grand. Imagine what that sort of money would do for your life’.
She had a point. Strauchanie scratched his chin. ‘You’ve got a point’ he said. ‘Let me think about it. I’ll get back to you’.
‘So’ Mick said. ‘What about it? Are you ready to come back to the Lexus Centre?’
‘Mick’ Strauchanie said, ‘I’d love nothing better’.


Em sighed. Baby Damien was crying again. He had only slept for thirty minutes this time. She was ready to drop with exhaustion. Nathan was at training and her closest friend lately – Leelee - was at work; her own babies in day care. Em wished she could put Damien in day care. Or just away for a while! Her mother was cruising around the Whitsundays with Ted, so she was no help. Em considered calling LifeLine. If she didn’t get to talk to an adult about her problems relatively soon, she felt like she was going to go mad. Or do something terrible to the baby. Why wouldn’t he stop crying?
She hated his name, too. It had been Dale’s idea, because Em couldn’t think of a boy’s name she liked enough at the time (she’d secretly wanted a girl, and when the doctor had said “you’ve got a healthy baby boy” Em had wanted to tell him no, put it back, it’s supposed to be a girl!) She wondered if that might be part of the reason she felt like she couldn’t bond with Damien. Dale called his son “Damo” which, to Em’s mind, was infinitely worse! She wished she could rename him. She liked the name Jared. But it was too late. They’d already signed the birth certificate and sent it off to the registry. Damien it was.
She walked over to his cot and looked down at the scrawny red bundle with annoyance she couldn’t hide anymore. ‘Why couldn’t you be a happy little healthy girl?’ she asked him. ‘Why do you have to be such a screaming, coughing bag of germs? You’ve been sick every day since you were born! Why can’t you just give me a freaking break?!’
Perhaps sensing her attitude, Damien just screamed louder. ‘Shut up’ Em said, forcefully.
‘Shut up, shut up, shut up… Just f**king shut the hell up!’
She collapsed to the floor by the cot and started to cry. ‘I can’t do this’ she told him. ‘I’m a terrible mother’.
Unbelievably, Damien stopped
‘What, is that supposed to mean you agree with me?’ Em asked him. Even more unbelievably, she heard him giggle. Can babies his age giggle? She wondered. Or am I hearing things?
Then there was a knock on the door. ‘Oh thank god’ Em sighed. It had to be Nathan. Training would be over and she’d be able to focus on something other than a screaming baby. Why on earth had she wanted one of these things? She thought, as she walked away from the cot, daring her son to start crying again. There has to be more to life than changing nappies (and suffering the indignity of pee in the face), burping and breastfeeding an infant who didn’t want a bar of you any other time, but would attach himself like a limpet on a rock at dinner time and not let go for hours!
She opened the door to a sultry looking Melissa. The witch was wearing a plum coloured top and tight black pants, and looked amazing, as usual, despite being almost four months pregnant. She really was glowing, unlike Em who had been a sweating, cursing bundle of raw emotion throughout the entire nine months.
‘Hi’ Em said, aware she must look like hell in her grey t-shirt with spew stains on the shoulder and her newly dyed reddish hair falling out of it’s butterfly clip. ‘How’s things at the shop?’
‘Pretty good’ Melissa said. ‘I’ve had to quit doing spells for a while though. Just until Junior here is born! How’s things with you?’
Em sighed. ‘Do you want a lie, or the truth?’
Melissa looked at her friend carefully. ‘You’re not coping, are you?’
Before Em could shake her head and start crying, because a tear was very close to her eye, she heard Damien start squalling again.
‘Oh God, why doesn’t he stop?’ Em cried in frustration. ‘I’ve changed his nappy, fed him, burped him, sung him a lullaby for Christ’s sakes, and he still won’t go to sleep! I’m at the end of my rope, Mel! I feel like… Don’t tell anyone I said this, especially not Dale… But I feel like I might, you know, hurt him’.
‘Are you serious?’ Melissa asked, frowning. ‘Let me handle this’. She walked to the end of the corridor, stood at the door of the nursery, then walked in. Damien was wailing his little lungs out. ‘Oh look, he’s lost his little bear’ Melissa said, picking up a fuzzy brown toy on the floor by the cot. She tucked the bear into bed with the baby and within seconds, his wails had turned to sniffles. ‘See, that’s all he wanted’ Melissa said, patting Em on the shoulder. ‘Come in the kitchen and I’ll make you a coffee’.
‘It’s my house’ Em sniffed. ‘I’ll make you a coffee’.
‘No, let me’ Melissa ordered. ‘You look buggered’.
Em poured her heart out to her new friend while they drank coffee and ate Tim Tams. She was amazed at just how much better she felt having another adult to talk to about her problems. ‘Look’ Melissa said, ‘Why don’t I take Damien for a few hours, and let you get some sleep? You can express a bottle for him, and he’ll be fine with me. Honest’.
‘Really?’ Em said, looking like she’d just heard the best news in the world. ‘Because that would be amazing! Thank you so much’.
‘No worries’ Melissa said. ‘And hey, let’s face it; I need all the babysitting practice I can get’.
‘It’s a deal, then’ Em said, and reaching forward, hugged Mel.
‘Wow’ Mel said, ‘You must really be in need of a break’.


Ash and Dale lay in bed after he got back from training, staring up at the ceiling, her hand stroking his chest. ‘That was unbelievable’ she told him. ‘What’s gotten into you, today?’
‘I don’t know’ he grinned. ‘Maybe it’s being around you’.
‘Oh, come on’ Ash laughed. ‘We’ve been together for a while now. You’ve never been quite so… enthusiastic before’.
‘Actually’ Dale said, looking a little embarrassed, ‘It’s kind of chemically enhanced’.
‘What is?’ frowned Ash. ‘What are you taking? Aren’t you a little young for Viagra?’
‘It’s not Viagra’ Dale explained. ‘It’s Horny Goat Weed. Leon Davis told me about it. Says it gives you energy to go longer! He swears by it. He says, when his missus is all worked up and he’s buggered from a game or training, he just pops some Horny Goat Weed, and off he goes, like a rocket! Thought I’d give it a burl’.
Ash laughed. ‘You’ve never had problems with stamina before, though! Is training getting too hard?’
‘Nah’ Dale said. ‘It’s just that, I get home and see you, and even though I’m completely stuffed, I still feel like jumping your bones. I just don’t have the energy, sometimes’.
‘Aw’ Ash sympathised. ‘That’s about the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me’.
‘Is it?’ Dale grinned. ‘What about this, then? Will you marry me?’
‘Huh?’ Ash asked, blinking. ‘What?’
Dale’s face fell. ‘That wasn’t exactly the response I was expecting’.
‘That wasn’t exactly the proposal I was expecting, either’ said Ash, irritated. ‘I mean, it couldn’t have been less romantic if you’d said “How’s about we get hitched?”’.
‘So what do you want me to do, get down on all fours?’ Dale asked.
‘No, one knee would do’ Ash said. ‘Funny, I seem to remember watching you propose to Em. You got down on one knee for her’.
‘Because she told me to’ Dale said, sheepishly. ‘Thing is, I don’t want to repeat that mistake. So why do it the same way? Different girl; different proposal’.
‘Yeah’ Ash said, rolling her eyes. ‘Lying naked in bed at one in the afternoon, after a bout of sweaty sex, smelling like, well, sex, and I haven’t even brushed my teeth!’
‘Lazy git’ Dale laughed, prodding her.
‘I’m lazy? You can’t even be bothered proposing properly!’ Ash said, jumping out of bed and going to the adjoining bathroom, slamming the door behind her so Dale couldn’t come after her.
‘Well gee’ Dale snapped. ‘That’s the thanks I get for being spontaneous’.
‘Be spontaneous somewhere else!’ Ash yelled. ‘I’m having a shower!’

Will Ash get her totally “spontaneous”, totally romantic proposal?
Will Em find a way to be a good Mum to Damien?
And what will happen when the player groupies make their way into the change rooms?

Find out on the next The Plot Sickens – Season Five!

A Pie for Life.
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Joined: 28 Aug 2007

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:48 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Episode 137

Oops! I did it again

Bella couldn’t believe how quickly she had fallen under Brendan’s spell again. It seemed that as soon as he batted those gorgeous chocolate brown eyes of his, she was hooked. That first kiss, when he’d turned up on her doorstep, had just sealed the deal. Her heart was pounding like a bass drum, her cheeks were flushed and the feeling of those full, red lips of his still lingered on her skin. All over her own lips, neck and collarbone, actually. He stared at her, longingly. ‘So Dean’s not here?’
‘No’ Bella breathed. She caught a glimpse of pale skin at the throat of his deep red shirt. Oh God, she thought. Don’t give in. Don’t. You’re a married woman now. But her body wasn’t listening to what her head was telling her. She gulped, wishing she could just rip that shirt from his back. Kiss her way down to his…
She blinked. ‘Yes?’
Brendan grinned. ‘You were away with the fairies there, for a bit’.
‘I’m sorry’ Bella sighed. ‘Look, Brendan, I really appreciate you coming over, and it’s good to see you again, but…’
‘You’re married’.
‘Well, there is that, but…’
‘Look, Bella – despite what you might think, I do respect the fact that you’re married’ Brendan was saying. ‘I wish things could be different’.
Oh God. Bella thought. This is your one and only chance. She had a terrible feeling that if he left now, he’d never come back. And that just could not happen!
‘Wait’ she said, stopping him before he had a chance to turn and leave. She could feel her cheeks burning again. Brendan turned. ‘Yes?’
‘Uh… Dean won’t be home for at least a couple of hours. Why don’t you… stay and have a coffee?’
She knew that sounded like the lamest excuse to keep him from leaving, but she couldn’t help it. She liked the way she was feeling. She liked the breathless anticipation, the way he undressed her with those incredibly sexy eyes of his, the thought of him undressing her for real, while she slid her hands over that gorgeous body of his. Pulling him close to her was something she had to fight with every shred of willpower not to do!
‘Do you think that would be a good idea?’ Brendan asked; a corner of that luscious mouth turning up in a cheeky grin. ‘I’m having a hard enough time keeping my hands off you as it is’.
Bella could barely hide her joy at hearing him say that. She wanted to say something like “Ditto” but didn’t want to seem too obvious.
‘Besides’ Brendan continued. ‘It looks like you’re expecting a baby’. He nodded at her slight bump.
‘Oh that?’ Bella said, waving her pregnancy off as if it were nothing. ‘I’m barely four months gone. I’ve only just started showing’.
‘You’re having another man’s baby’ Brendan said. ‘I don’t want to cut another bloke’s lunch. Especially when he’s already had a go at it – sorry if that sounds vulgar’.
Bella nodded, feeling tears close to her eyes. She didn’t know why she felt this way. She loved Dean, didn’t she? Then why, every time she thought about Brendan, did she feel so… so… incredibly horny?!
‘Bella?’ Brendan said, taking a step closer. ‘Are you okay?’
She nodded, unable to speak. She didn’t want to admit that how much she wanted him. Coming from a woman who was clearly pregnant and happily married – as she believed she was – it would sound desperate and probably turn him off. She had to play hard to get. ‘Yeah, of course’ she said, forcing a smile that didn’t go to her eyes. ‘I just… missed you. I don’t understand why you have to go. You just got here’.
‘I don’t have to go right now’ Brendan said, smiling. ‘I could hang around. Have you heard the new album?’
Bella nodded. ‘Of course. I love Nine in the Afternoon. Very Sgt Pepperish’.
‘I know’ Brendan admitted. ‘But if you’re going to pay homage to a band it might as well be the Beatles’.
‘Is that what you intended to do when you started writing?’ Bella asked; glad to be talking about something other than sex. It was hard enough just looking at him!
‘Not really. It just sort of happened’ Brendan admitted.
There was an awkward silence, and Bella chose to break the tension by turning on the kettle in the kitchen. As she was getting out coffee mugs, she felt his hands close around her waist, and his mouth on the side of her throat. She gasped. Every nerve was alive and tingling. He started to nibble her earlobe. Bella felt her resolve melt completely.
‘I missed you too’ he whispered. ‘You don’t know how much’.


The skanks from the boundary line had made their way into the Lexus Centre while the boys were busy doing handpassing drills. They split up when they got to the member’s lounge, Tori and Lola meeting up again when they found a door marked No Entry – Players Only Past This Point. ‘This has to be it’ Tori whispered to Lola, as they tiptoed down a hallway. ‘Where are the others?’
‘Nicky and Sam went for drinks in the lounge’ Lola muttered. ‘They spotted Brodie and Nick Maxwell, and Sam just had to get autographs. You know what she’s like’.
‘Let’s go without them, then’ Tori suggested. ‘Stuff them. If they can’t be bothered sticking to the plan, they miss out’.
‘Okay’ Lola said, ready to dump her friends at the drop of a hat if it meant watching her favourite players – Martin Clarke and Ryan Cook – in the buff in the showers. ‘I’ll tell you something I didn’t tell the others. My sister – Yasmine – she works here. She’s married to Scott Pendlebury’.
‘What?’ Tori gasped. ‘Are you serious?’
‘Yes’ Lola said, relieved her secret was finally - at least partially – out in the open. But the way Tori kept secrets, the other two would be told as soon as she could get a couple of minutes alone with her mobile. ‘I didn’t want to tell you all straight away, because I thought you might not believe me. But it’s true. She married him a few months back. She also told me a few things about this place. Like how when you go into the storage locker in the gym, there’s a small hole in the wall – that leads directly into the players’ change rooms’.
‘What?’ Tori gasped. ‘You’re shitting me!’
‘I shit you not’ Lola grinned. ‘Let’s go. Yas tells me we’ll have a bird’s eye view. If we’re not caught, that is’.


Strauchanie was busy cleaning the showers when he heard a ruckus. He turned and tried to listen where it was coming from, but since the bathroom’s acoustics made sounds bounce everywhere, he felt like he was in some kind of carnival funhouse. He thought he’d heard a giggle. But where had it come from?
‘Hi, Strauchanie’
He put the cloth he’d been using back in the bucket. Taylah was standing at the mirrors, playing with her hair. She’d just had her lanky, mousy brown hair cut into a Pob and she’d lost another three kilos, or so she’d said. Strauchanie was finding it hard to believe anything Taylah said. He’d heard from Brownie, who’d had to work with her at the Magic Shoppe, that she was a pathological liar.
‘Uh… Hi, Taylah’ Strauchanie said, feeling a bit uncomfortable, but not really sure why.
Maybe it was the fact that she was friends with Sharon and still felt it necessary to flirt with him at every chance she got. ‘I thought you were cleaning the gym’.
‘I was, but I finished’ Taylah said. ‘Have you done the bogs?’
‘I did them this morning’ Strauchanie said, irritated. That had been Taylah’s job, but as usual she was all about swanning around, showing off her new body and doing precious little actual work. Despite his back, Strauchanie had been doing the work of two people. He was fast coming to the conclusion that Taylah wouldn’t work in an iron lung.
‘Okay, there’s no need to get snappy. I just forgot’ Taylah said. ‘Hey, Strauchanie?’
‘I reckon Sharon was an idiot to dump you when she did’
‘Is that right?’ Strauchanie asked, wondering where this conversation was going. It didn’t look promising.
‘Yeah. In fact, I sort of talked her into taking you back’.
‘Taylah, she didn’t take me back. It was the other way around. She practically begged me to give her another chance’ Strauchanie said, finishing the last shower stall and moving onto the sinks. He didn’t have time to listen to Taylah’s self-congratulatory crap.
‘Is that right?’ Taylah asked, twirling the long side of her fringe around her finger. Who does she think she is; Strauchanie wondered. Victoria freaking Beckham? Lose half her body weight and get a face transplant, then maybe…
‘Yeah, that’s right. Shouldn’t you be finding something else do do? The massage tables probably need new towels before the boys come back in’.
‘Done’ Taylah said, walking over to him. She put a hand on his shoulder. Strauchanie looked confused. ‘What are you doing?’ he asked.
‘I’ve liked you for ages, Strauchanie’ Taylah admitted. ‘It’s just that, when you were with Carlton, you were totally lame. Now you’re back with the Pies, you got your credibility back. And men who are faithful to their girlfriends are sooo hot’.
‘Rack off, Taylah’ said Strauchanie, shocked. ‘Sharon’s your friend’.
Taylah shrugged. ‘Share and share alike’ she said, smiling a nasty looking smile.
‘I don’t think so’ Strauchanie frowned, and backed up against the edge of a handbasin.
‘Oh, why not?’ Taylah cooed. ‘Tell me you don’t think about me when you’re shagging Sharon’.
‘Uh… I don’t’ Strauchanie stuttered, mortified. Taylah’s hand was sliding down toward the drawstring on his Adidas tracksuit pants.
‘There’s no one in here’ she whispered. ‘No one will know about us’.
‘That’s because there is no us’ Strauchanie said, trying to push Taylah away, but it seemed as though she’d been hard at it in the gym lately, because he just couldn’t budge her. ‘Go away, Taylah, before I start screaming the place down’.
‘Oh, no one will believe you’ Taylah smiled, putting her hand down the front of his pants. Strauchanie groaned. ‘Don’t’ he said, unable to stop his body from reacting to what she was doing to him. ‘This is assault, you know’ he told her.
‘Oh come on, Strauchanie. You might tell me no, but there’s another part of you that’s saying yes’ Taylah’s hand curled around Strauchanie’s manhood. Poor Strauchanie looked both ways; hoping one of the players would walk in and stop Taylah in her tracks. But another part of him – well, you can probably guess – was hoping they wouldn’t be interrupted!
Then they both heard the same sound Strauchanie had heard earlier. It was a giggle, as plain as day. Taylah’s hand was out of his waistband like a shot. ‘What was that?’ she whispered. ‘Did you hear that?’
‘I would have had to have been Marlee f**king Matlin not to have heard that’ Strauchanie growled. ‘I’m getting out of here. Leave me alone from now on, or there’ll be trouble’.
‘Oh really?’ Taylah said, narrowing her brown eyes. ‘As much trouble as when I tell Sharon what you did to me in here?’
‘What?!’ asked Strauchanie, totally aghast. ‘What are you saying?’
‘I’m saying that if you dob on me, I’ll dob on you. With your history, who do you think she’s going to believe?’
‘I’ve never…’ Strauchanie started to say, but Taylah was already out the door. What history? He wondered. Exactly what has that slag said to Sharon about me?

‘Oh my god’ breathed Tori. ‘Um… I didn’t expect to see that’.
‘Yeah’ Lola said, disgusted. ‘Who would hit on Strauchanie?’
‘We have to tell Sharon what really happened’ said Tori, her conscience getting the better of her. She knew exactly how Strauchanie felt. She’d been accused of doing things she hadn’t done. It wasn’t a nice feeling.
‘Are you insane? The first thing they’d ask is how we knew this. Then they’d know we were in here. And what’s worse, the hole will be closed up! No further opportunity to see the boys in all their glory! Is that what you want?’ Lola whispered, angrily. ‘We got in here; we’re going to see what we came to see’.
‘Oh all right’ Tori agreed. She didn’t like it, though. That Taylah bitch looked like trouble. And being a staunch Collingwood fan, Tori didn’t want anything bad to happen to Strauchanie. He was a good bloke. She didn’t really know him, personally, but she’d heard plenty of stories. He was Collingwood, through and through. He didn’t deserve this!


Melissa took baby Damien back to the Magic Shoppe. ‘I know I shouldn’t do this’ she told him, as he sat in his car seat, cooing innocently, as if he hadn’t just been driving his mother insane. ‘But I’m really going to’.
She parked behind the shop and went in through the back entrance, holding Damien against her shoulder. He didn’t seem at all bothered by the fact that he barely knew who she was – a four month old baby isn’t going to much care either way, as long as he gets fed, changed and paid due attention – and in fact seemed quite curious about his surroundings. She set him down on the workbench in the Potion Room. ‘Now’ Melissa said, tickling the baby's tummy and smiling at him, ‘I’m going to work a spell that is going to make you a good little baby and behave yourself for your mummy! Now, lets see… Oh! Here, play with this’ Melissa gave the baby a soft toy clown from his nappy bag. ‘Now… Oh look! Here’s a spell of Obedience! That should do quite nicely’.
‘What are you up to?’
Melissa turned around. ‘Oh… Brownie… I thought you were at training’.
‘I was but I’m finished now. What are you doing with Em’s baby?’
‘I’m looking after him for her. She was freaking out, quite frankly. Oh, listen, there’s the doorbell. Why don’t you go and see if we have a customer?’
Brownie looked at her with narrowed eyes. ‘What are you up to, Mel?’
‘Nothing!’ Mel said, quickly. ‘Just babysitting! I want to get in as much practice as I can before this one comes along! So shoo, Nathan! Go and serve customers’.
Nathan laughed. ‘Just as long as you’re not doing spells. You know those oils can be dangerous for pregnant women’.
Melissa was about to open her mouth and say “Oh the obedience spell doesn’t require any oils” but she shut her yap just in time. ‘Ah’ she said, picking up Damien and cuddling him, ‘Now I’ve got you all to myself. Let’s get to work before Nathan gets back’.


Bella couldn’t stop herself. Brendan was driving her crazy with lust. She turned and slid her hands underneath his shirt as he kissed and sucked her lips, his hands running through her hair. She felt his smooth skin under her fingers, brushed his nipple with the palm of her hand and was delighted when he moaned softly into her mouth. She let her hands find the button and zip on his black trousers, and hurriedly pulled them down.
Brendan stopped what he was doing and looked Bella in the eyes. ‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ he asked her, his dark brown eyes serious but filled with longing at the same time. Bella couldn’t talk. She was struggling just to breathe, at this point! She remembered what it was like with him, how amazing he was in bed, how he made her want to scream. She thought she never wanted anything more in her life! She nodded.
His hands travelled down to the waistband of her leggings. She wore a green t-shirt that was gathered under the best to make room for her expanding stomach. It was almost a dress, it was so long. Brendan rolled down her leggings and slid his hand between her thighs. Bella gasped and shuddered. Brendan grinned. ‘I like when you do that’ he said.
‘I like when you make me do that’ she whispered back.
‘Oh, I’ve got more tricks up my sleeve’ Brendan said, flirtatiously. ‘Wanna see?’
Bella blushed. ‘What do you think?’ she replied.
They were getting busy on the kitchen table when suddenly there was an unexpected noise at the door. Bella turned her head toward the interruption. To her horror it was Dean, home early from shooting Neighbours!
But he didn’t look angry. He looked surprised, and was that a glimmer of interest in his blue eyes?
‘Hi Dean’ Brendan said sheepishly, his full mouth close to Bella’s cleavage. She was lying on her back, Brendan leaning over her, and his shirt had been quickly whisked off and thrown to the floor. Brendan had been working on removing her top when Dean walked in. It was presently bunched up underneath her chin.
‘Hi, Brendan’ Dean said, putting down his guitar case. He carried that thing everywhere lately. Bella didn’t want to tell him, but it was getting kind of pathetic.
‘Can I join in?’
Minutes later, Bella was sandwiched between the two of them. She felt a certain sense of déjà vu, but this time Dean hadn’t pulled away. He was fully into it. Bella couldn’t believe this was happening. Not only was her husband not throwing Brendan out onto the street, half naked and bleeding from every orifice, but he was allowing the guy to keep seducing her… with his help!
And it was working. Bella had never been so turned on in her life! Things were getting hot and heavy, with Brendan inside her and Dean’s hands on her body, when she felt a violent shake. That was weird. It hadn’t come from anything the boys were doing. It happened again, and she heard Dean calling her name.
‘Bella! Bella, can you hear me? Wake up! It’s the middle of the afternoon’.
Bella opened her eyes, and almost swore aloud. It had all been one long, luxurious wet dream. Dean’s face was in front of her. She’d fallen asleep on the nursery carpet!
‘Are you all right?’ He asked, concerned. ‘I thought you’d passed out! I was about to call an ambulance!’
Bella hoped her face wasn’t giving away the content of her dream. ‘No’, she said, sitting up. ‘I’m fine. I must have been more tired than I thought’.
‘I thought you’d gone to bed’ Dean said, helping her to her feet. She still couldn’t look him in the face. That dream had been far too vivid! ‘Um… You got a message on your phone. Better answer it, in case it was work’.
Bella picked up her phone from the baby’s dresser. The envelope in the corner signified a text message. She opened it and gasped, putting a hand over her mouth before Dean could notice.
“Hi gorgeous” the message read “Who do you think of at Nine in the Afternoon?”


‘Ash’ Dale sighed, knocking on the bedroom door. ‘You’re being ridiculous’.
‘I’m not coming out. I look like crap’ Ash announced.
‘I somehow doubt that’ Dale replied. ‘Why don’t you let me be the judge of that?’
Finally, the door opened. Ash stepped out, first peeking her head around the door jamb. ‘There’s no one else here, is there?’ she asked, fearfully.
‘No. Why?’
‘You’re not going to believe this’ she said. ‘But I think I’ve got the chicken pox’.
Dale almost laughed but just stopped himself in time. ‘What?’
‘Look at me!’ Ash insisted. ‘What do you think these red lumps are? Mosquito bites?’
Dale leaned in and kissed her on the nose. ‘But you look cute’.
‘I look bloody awful’.
‘Okay’ Dale said, happy to go along with whatever she said. He’d been trying to suck up to Ash since his failed marriage proposal. He was still trying to think of the best way to pop the question. Something totally unique. Something she wouldn’t suspect. He’d even got on the internet to order a marriage certificate.
‘Well, you didn’t have to agree with me’ Ash said, frowning.
‘It’s easier than trying to convince you that you don’t look terrible’ Dale told her. ‘How did you get chicken pox, anyway?’
‘Leelee’s kids had it’ Ash explained. ‘Trouble is, I babysat them a couple of weeks ago, and that was the quarantine period, before the spots show up. So she didn’t even know they were sick, or she wouldn’t have gone out at all’.
‘Oh well’ Dale said. ‘It just means I get to nurse you back to health’.
Ash narrowed her eyes at him. ‘Give the man a straw! What are you sucking up for?’
‘I’m not sucking up’ Dale said, defensively. ‘I just want to take care of you’.
‘Yeah, right! What’s really going on, Dale?’
Dale pushed back his blonde shaggy hair and gulped. ‘Um, well… the thing is…’
Ash raised an eyebrow. ‘Spit it out’.
‘You know how you wanted me to propose to you properly?’ Dale asked, almost flinching.
‘Yes’ Ash said, waiting.
‘Um… well, I was on the net the other day, looking for… um, stuff, and it turns out…’Dale cleared his throat, ‘It turns out that Em and I are still, um… well, we’re still technically married’.
‘What?!’ Ash exploded. ‘I thought you told me you were going to get a quickie divorce? What happened to that?’
‘Well, the thing is…’
‘Just tell me Dale’
‘You have to be separated for at least twelve months to obtain a legal divorce’ Dale told her, as though he was reading straight from the website. ‘The only reason they give people quickie divorces in Australia is if the couple are too young and lied about getting the parents’ consent, or if it was a violent marriage and you fear for your life’.
‘Well that sucks’ said Ash, folding her arms. ‘How are we supposed to get married now?’
‘We still can’ Dale assured her. ‘I can still propose. Properly and everything. It’s just that the actual wedding will have to wait another… ooh, ten months or so?’
Ash sighed. ‘I suppose I can live with that’. She put her arms around Dale, and squeezed him against her. He was really starting to bulk up in the body. Ash could feel muscles under his team polo shirt. It was making her horny, despite her illness. She slipped a hand under his top. ‘But you’ll have to convince me of the benefits of waiting’ she purred.
Dale looked freaked. ‘Um… Ash?’
‘I don’t remember ever having chicken pox when I was a kid’.
‘So’ Ash grinned. ‘I think it’s about time you started making anti-bodies, don’t you?’
Dale grinned, and nodded. ‘Well, I guess if you put it that way…’

Next up…
What is Melissa cooking up for Damien?
What does Brendan want with Bella?
And will Taylah ruin Strauchanie’s only chance at happiness with Sharon?

A Pie for Life.
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Magpie Girl Leo

Daisy, my Collingwood supporting birdy....

Joined: 01 Jan 2008
Location: Down town Bundy! ...& the #43 bandwagon!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:00 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Now here's something I haven't seen for a while. Glad it's back! Very Happy
"Everyone has their story and mine is unique, but I'm definitely trying to use that to help as many people as I can." - Heritier O'Brien ( 7/7/08 )
Harry, you're a champ!
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Joined: 28 Aug 2007

PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:32 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh good! Any ideas for your character, Courtnie?
A Pie for Life.
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Magpie Girl Leo

Daisy, my Collingwood supporting birdy....

Joined: 01 Jan 2008
Location: Down town Bundy! ...& the #43 bandwagon!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:37 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll have to think about that.... sleep on it & get back to you lol Very Happy
"Everyone has their story and mine is unique, but I'm definitely trying to use that to help as many people as I can." - Heritier O'Brien ( 7/7/08 )
Harry, you're a champ!
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Emily14 Scorpio

Joined: 14 Mar 2006

PostPosted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 10:17 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

haha wow cool
and wow i do suck at being a mum in this story haha
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Magpie Girl Leo

Daisy, my Collingwood supporting birdy....

Joined: 01 Jan 2008
Location: Down town Bundy! ...& the #43 bandwagon!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 10:34 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Ummm.... I can't think of anything. My friend wasn't much help, she just laughed at me, because I was laughing lol

How 'bout.... surprise me...? Embarassed

"Everyone has their story and mine is unique, but I'm definitely trying to use that to help as many people as I can." - Heritier O'Brien ( 7/7/08 )
Harry, you're a champ!
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Joined: 28 Aug 2007

PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 1:51 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

Emily14 wrote:
haha wow cool
and wow i do suck at being a mum in this story haha

Don't worry, Em, it's about to get better. My friend had a screamer, but sometimes even the best babies in the world can be little shits when it comes to naptime! I got lucky, my two were little angels who slept for three hours at a time, and were hardly ever sick. Some people aren't so lucky.

A Pie for Life.
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Joined: 28 Aug 2007

PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:11 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Episode 138

The Good Son

Melissa had just thrown the last sprig of rosemary into the Obedience potion when Nathan came back into the room. ‘You’re doing a spell, aren’t you?’ He said, his muscular arms folded across his chest. ‘You just can’t help yourself’.
‘Well, it is for a good cause’ Melissa said, sheepishly. ‘You’ll see’.
‘And just what good cause are we talking about?’ Nathan asked.
‘Never mind’ Melissa said, quickly. Fortunately the phone rang in the shop. ‘Nath, can you get that? I really can’t leave Damien in his capsule on the bench without someone to watch him’
‘Hey what am I?’ Brownie asked, insulted. ‘A f**king coat-rack? I can watch the kid for a minute! I’m not completely useless’.
‘No, you’re not even partially useless. You’re very useful. So be a good boy for me, and go and answer the phone’ Melissa replied, as she read the instructions for how to administer the potion.
Nathan sighed and went back into the shop, muttering something under his breath.
‘I heard that’ Melissa called, waving her hand to turn up the volume. ‘It’s been a long time since I was a Mistress of Pain, but if you want a demonstration…’
‘I’ll pass’ Nathan laughed. Melissa heard him pick up the phone and sighed with relief. ‘That’s him out of the way for a few minutes, at least’ she said to Damien. ‘Time enough to give you some of this’. She poured a ladleful of the mixture into the baby’s bottle, and served it up to him. The baby must have smelled the sugar and spice and all things nice in the bottle, and chugged the potion like it was liquid chocolate. ‘That’s my gorgeous little future apprentice’ Melissa told him. She took up the spell book and quickly read the incantation.
“Sssh! Baby, be good as gold
And forevermore you will do as you’re told”
A shimmering light passed over Damien then disappeared. Just in time too, because Nathan finished his phone call and came back to see what his meddling boss was up to.
‘You didn’t do a spell on the kid, did you?’ He asked, as Damien closed his eyes and stuck a thumb in his mouth. In mere seconds, he was asleep.
‘No’ Melissa lied. ‘What sort of witch do you think I am?’
‘A conniving one’ Nathan grinned.
‘Gee, thanks’ Melissa said, sarcastically. ‘Hey, I’m the kid’s godmother, I’d never hurt him! I’m just giving Em a break, that’s all’.
Nathan walked over and picked up the spell book. He frowned, looking down at the page Melissa had left it open to. ‘Planning on making the break permanent?’ he asked. ‘This spell could backfire, you know. Haven’t you ever seen the movie, Ella Enchanted?’
‘Of course I have’ Melissa said, defensively. ‘I do have a backup spell, you know. I’m not an idiot. As soon as he’s old enough, I’ll take the spell off. Okay?’
‘I don’t know about this’ Nathan said, looking worried. ‘What if you can’t take it off? The poor kid will be stuck doing whatever anyone tells him to, all his life’.
‘Of course I’ll be able to take it off’ Melissa said. ‘Ye of little faith! Be off with you, and go and do the stock-take’.
‘Yes boss’ Nathan laughed. ‘You know Em’s going to realise you did something to the kid. He’s a screamer. If he turns up all smiles and manages to sleep through the night, she’ll be suspicious’.
Mel shrugged. ‘You’d think she’d be happy I intervened! When I got to your place, she looked like she was about to tear her hair out. And she was worried she’d end up doing something to the baby’.
‘Really?’ Nathan asked, shocked. ‘I didn’t know it had gotten that bad! I better go and see if she’s all right. Can you manage here without me?’
‘Can I manage here without you?!' Melissa scoffed. 'Of course! But I have to warn you, she’s probably having a lie down, or a nice long bath’.
‘Cool’ Nathan grinned. ‘I could do with a bath after training’
‘I don’t want to hear about your sex life’ Melissa joked, putting her hands over her ears.


‘What the hell is going on?’ Dean asked Bella. She had just finished texting a message to Brendan on her mobile, telling him in no uncertain terms exactly who she thought about at “Nine in the Afternoon”! (tip: it wasn’t her husband).
‘What do you mean?’ Bella said, innocently.
‘I mean, what’s with all the secrecy?’ You’ve been acting really weird since I got home. All giggly and off with the fairies! You’d think… Oh, hang on’ Dean slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand. ‘It’s Brendan, isn’t it? You always get that look on your face when you hear from him’.
‘What look?’ Bella asked.
‘That look on your face like you’re thinking about the best shag you ever had!’ Dean said, looking hurt. ‘Is he? Because if he is…’
‘Dean, don’t’ Bella warned. ‘You’re blowing this out of all proportion’.
‘Am I?’ Dean asked, his eyes flashing with anger. ‘We just got back from our honeymoon, and already he’s SMSing you! Doesn’t he meet any decent single women while he’s on tour?’
‘Why are you asking me?’ Bella replied. ‘You’ve done the concert tour thing. Did you meet any decent single women?’
‘None that would compare to you’ Dean said, quickly. ‘Besides, they were all like, fifteen year olds! Jailbait! Even if I was interested – which I’m not – they’d throw me into the general population at Barwon Prison and watch them tear me a new one!’
Bella had to admit, she liked Dean’s jealousy. As far as she was concerned, jealousy was good. It was when they stopped being jealous, you had to worry!
‘Honey’ she said, staring up into his blue eyes and putting her arms around his neck, ‘You know you’re the only one for me’.
‘Do I?’ Dean asked her. ‘I’m not so sure about that’.
Just then, Bella’s mobile beeped. Brendan had replied already? She wondered; then resisted the temptation to answer it right away. Make him wait, she decided, cuddling up to her husband. It was time to show Dean who was number one in her fantasies! (What he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him!).


‘Hi Shaz’ Taylah said, looking like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth. ‘How’s tricks?’
‘Alright’ Sharon said, and held the door open. ‘Come in. I’m just vacuuming the carpet at the moment, but you can sit in the kitchen while I finish up. I’ve got a visitor. You might know her’.
Taylah followed Sharon into her tiny kitchen. A girl who looked disturbingly like Amy Winehouse (but without the beehive hairdo) sat at the table. ‘Hi, Taylah’ she said, looking mighty pleased with herself. ‘Remember me?’
‘Should I?’ Taylah asked, frowning at her. ‘You do look familiar, but no, can’t say as I do’.
‘I go to training a lot’ the girl said. ‘I’ve seen you around, carrying water bottles and stuff. You’re the cleaner, right?’
‘One of them. What’s your point?’ Taylah asked, defensively. What was this chick getting at? Taylah didn’t like the look on her face. It was one of those “I know something you don’t know” expressions. Smug as Leigh Matthews after BrisVegas managed to beat Collingwood at the Gabba.
‘I was just saying to Sharon that I happened to be passing by the change rooms the other day – looking for Strauchanie – when I heard a conversation between you two. Very interesting, it was’ The girl grinned like a shark.
‘Is that right? You’re just a fan. What were you doing in the hall near the change-rooms? No one but conditioning staff, coaches and players are meant to be there’.
‘Oh, I lost my way’ the girl lied. ‘I must have gone through one of the wrong doors, or something’.
‘Pig’s arse’ Taylah replied. ‘You were in the Box Seat, I know. That’s what we girls - who are actually meant to be there - call the equipment cupboard. How did you find out about that? It’s a very well kept secret’.
‘Not well enough’ the girl said. ‘My sister told me. She found it by accident’.
‘Who’s your sister?’ Taylah demanded. ‘She should shut her big fat trap!’
‘First of all, she’s not fat’ Tori said, ‘And second of all, she works there’.
Yasmine, thought Taylah. Got to be. Loudmouthed cow! If this gets out, the Box Seat will be no more! We can’t have that! The only other opportunity to perve on the boys was by purchasing a copy of HERS magazine, and that had gone up a dollar fifty, to almost six bucks an issue! On her pitiful cleaners’ salary she couldn’t justify that!
‘So what is it you heard, anyway?’ Taylah asked, irked that this girl could bring about the fall of Western Civilisation. Or the demise of the Box Seat. Pretty much the same thing, if you think about it.
‘I heard you talking to Strauchanie’ the girl said. ‘Or should I say, hitting on Strauchanie! Rather aggressively, if memory serves! Don’t you have a soul? Sharon’s supposed to be your mate’.
‘Keep your voice down’ Taylah said, dropping her own voice to a whisper. ‘That was… a mistake. Call it a temporary loss of sanity. I know my place. None of the actual players would touch me with a barge pole. I’ve still got about fifteen kilos to lose before I can wear one-piece bathers without looking like a f**king whale! So Strauchanie’s about as good a catch as I can get, okay?’
‘But he’s going out with your friend’ the girl insisted. ‘He should be hands-off’.
‘Hey, those are your morals, not mine’ Taylah bit back. ‘Anyway, I’ve changed my mind about him. He’s not into me. He’s totally about Shaz, okay? What did you say to her, anyway?’
‘I was about to tell her the truth, but if you promise to stay away from him, I’ll make something up. Say, he’s planning some kind of surprise party or something. Whatever. But if I hear you’re telling people Strauchanie hit on you, like I heard you say, watch out’.
‘For what?’ Taylah laughed. ‘What could you do to me?’
‘Other than tell your best friend what kind of person you really are, I could make sure life at the Lexus Centre gets very unpleasant’ Tori said. ‘Family ties, and all that. Anyway, think about it. Strauchanie’s been through enough, lately’.
‘Christ’ Taylah laughed, scornfully. ‘You better be careful, or people will start to think you have the hots for him, or something!’
‘I’m just looking out for a fellow supporter’ Tori said, quickly. Her face burned with embarrassment. She quickly left the room, tucking her big pink tote bag under her arm and waving goodbye to Sharon, who was vaccuuming the lounge room carpet.
‘I’ll see you round’ she called to Shaz. ‘Talk later, okay?’
‘What was that about?’ Sharon asked Taylah. ‘Don’t you two get along?’
‘You could say that’ Taylah replied. But she wasn’t about to say anything else on the subject.
‘Well that was weird’ Sharon said, putting the vacuum back in the hallway cupboard. ‘She turns up, introduces herself as Yasmine’s sister; then says she heard you and Bryan talking! Then you show up, and she bolts. What’s going on, Taylah?’
‘Nothing’ Taylah said, too quickly. ‘Errr… Surprise party’
‘What?’ Sharon said. ‘For what? My birthday isn’t for months’.
‘Well… it was meant to be a secret’ Taylah said, lying through her teeth. ‘Just pretend you don’t know anything’.
‘That’ll be easy enough’ Sharon laughed. ‘I don’t know anything! That dag! He knows I don’t like to celebrate birthdays! I suspect he just wants an excuse for a piss-up’.
Taylah left Sharon’s, sighing with relief. That was a close call. Now she’d just have to make sure that troll Tori or whatever her name was kept her mouth shut. Come to think of it, there were spells for that kind of thing!


Meanwhile, Ash was sitting in a bath filled with Pinetarsol, while Dale dabbed Calamine Lotion on the spots on her face. ‘Wow’ he said, laughing. ‘You look really funny’.
‘Gee thanks’ she said, rolling her eyes. ‘Just what every girl wants to hear’.
‘Sorry’ Dale said. ‘But you should see yourself. You look like that bear in that Dr Seuss book who can change the colour of his spots just by thinking about it’.
‘You pay way too much attention to Damien’s books’ Ash laughed. ‘He’s not even old enough to appreciate Dr Seuss!’
‘He laughs’ Dale insisted. ‘Oh, by the way, I’ve got him this weekend. After the game, I mean’.
‘Oh really?’ Ash asked, frowning. ‘Didn’t you tell Em I’ve got chicken pox?’
‘I did, but they’re crusting, so they’re not contagious anymore. And she needs a break. She’s going crazy’.
‘I can understand that’ Ash said. ‘I bet you were a demanding baby when you were a tyke, too’.
‘Damn straight’ Dale said, not even ashamed to admit it. ‘Mum called me her little terrorist’.
‘You haven’t changed much, then’ Ash joked, then regretted it when she saw the look on his face. ‘Oh, you’re not so bad. Come here and kiss me, Thomas the Tank Engine’.
‘I’m the Little Engine that Could’ Dale grinned.
‘Could what?’ Ash asked.
‘Could go and go and go’ Dale answered, ripping off his t-shirt. ‘Want me to demonstrate?’


Melissa dropped off a thoroughly content baby boy to Em and Nathan later that afternoon. ‘What did you do?’ Em asked, in wonder. ‘He actually looks happy!’ She leaned over the little boy’s capsule and smiled at her son. It was miraculous to see him so calm – not to mention smiling! Em almost fell over backward when Damien smiled right at her. ‘Oh my god!’ she said, tears of happiness springing to her eyes. ‘He smiled at me! I swear, normally he hates my guts!’
‘I doubt that’ Nathan said, putting an arm around Em and winking at Mel. She knew what that wink meant. I know your secret and I’m not going to tell. For now!
‘They should call you the Baby Whisperer’ Em said to Melissa. ‘I thought you said you needed practice? You could put Supernanny out of a job!’
‘Oh, I wouldn’t go that far’ Melissa said. ‘Let’s just say, I know babies, and we’ll leave it at that, hey? I have to get going. Marty’s coming over tonight for another one of his impromptu piss-ups. I think his latest girlfriend dumped him. Again’.

Melissa found Marty sitting on her front step, his chin in his hand. ‘Bad breakup?’ she asked. He nodded.
‘Bloody hell, Clarkey. You really have to start picking your girls a little more wisely. Like, try going for girls over the age of 20. They tend to be not so…’ she searched for the word ‘Wishy-washy. We older women know what we want. And between me and you, an Irish accent is the second most sexy accent in the world’.
‘Only the second?’ Marty asked. ‘What’s the first?’
‘Italian, of course’
‘Oh’. He pulled his butt off the steps and followed Mel inside. ‘You got any money for grog?’ he asked. ‘I haven’t been paid yet’.
‘Marty’ Melissa sighed. ‘You’re hopeless! What did you spend last week’s pay on?’
‘Rent, the bare necessities, and bills’ Marty answered. ‘It’s getting bloody expensive to live in Melbourne these days’.
‘And yet, somehow I manage it’ Melissa answered. ‘You’re an AFL footballer, for Christ’s sakes! You’d make in one week than I do in a month! And you don’t have overheads’.
‘Overheads. Business expenses’.
‘And you’re not four months pregnant. Although if you keep drinking the way you do, you might start looking like you are. Look at Nick Stevens. He plays football and still packs on the kilos’.
‘Hey, he had an injury’ Marty reminded her.
‘Yeah’ Melissa grinned. ‘And if you don’t stop asking me for money, you’ll have an injury too!’ She pointed a spatula at him. ‘Want crepes for tea?’
‘I’ll buy that for a dollar’ Marty replied.
‘Cheapskate’ Melissa laughed.
An hour later, the two friends were on the couch watching Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life. Mel put her head on Marty’s shoulder. ‘You’re my best mate. You know that?’ she slurred, sleepily.
‘Yup’ he answered. ‘Want a shag?’
‘Huh?’ Melissa sat up straight, suddenly stone cold sober. ‘What did you say?’
‘Uh… I was just kidding’ Marty said, sheepishly. He gave her his tried and true puppy-dog eyes.
‘No you weren’t’ Melissa said. ‘You were dead serious. I know by now whether you’re joking or not. And you were not joking’.
‘So… How about it then? I mean, not to sound like a total pig, but we get along great, we like all the same things, we crack each other up… And… Well…’ Marty sighed. ‘I’m gonna be dead honest here. I’m really attracted to you’.
Melissa’s mouth dropped open. She looked at Marty like she’d never seen him before. He sat on the couch in his most comfortable ratty t-shirt and jeans, his hair was mussed and he smelled like beer. Yet… There was something strangely alluring about the guy. Aside from his obvious cute Irishness, that is! She had to admit, she’d always liked his eyes. And his shoulders; and his smile… Oh God, she thought. Am I falling for Marty?!
‘I was kind of expecting a response to that, actually’ Marty said. ‘I mean, I don’t really expect you to jump my bones right away, or even admit you like me. A slap across the face would bad, but it would be something, at least. You’ve gone like, completely catatonic! Of course if you…’ Melissa didn’t let him finish his sentence. She leaned over, put her hand on his chest, and gave him the response he was looking for. Or near enough!


Sean and Mr Molloy re-open their restaurant
Courtney and Ben celebrate six months of screwing in uncomfortable places (and no, not like in the back of a VW)
And Daisy finally pops the question. How will he do it?!

Find out, on the next episode of The Plot Sickens

A Pie for Life.
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Magpie Girl Leo

Daisy, my Collingwood supporting birdy....

Joined: 01 Jan 2008
Location: Down town Bundy! ...& the #43 bandwagon!

PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:55 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Can't wait for the next one..... should be interesting..... Razz
"Everyone has their story and mine is unique, but I'm definitely trying to use that to help as many people as I can." - Heritier O'Brien ( 7/7/08 )
Harry, you're a champ!
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Joined: 28 Aug 2007

PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 5:58 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Episode 139

A Very Decent Proposal!

‘Wow’ Ally breathed. ‘It’s amazing!’
Sean put his arm around his young bride. ‘Let you in on a secret. It’s all yours’.
Ally looked up at him. ‘What are you talking about?’
‘Well, you don’t think I got into this just to give your dad money, do you? I know you’re not happy with the casual hours at the Lexus Centre, so I thought you could help run things here. Kind of like a maitre d. You’d be great. All you’d have to do is smile, look pretty and show people to their table. You could do that standing on your head’.
‘Oh my God, Sean’ Ally said, hugging him. ‘Thank you, thank you, thank you!’
‘Oh, ouch, watch the shoulder’ Sean said, wincing.
‘I’m sorry, honey! Did I hurt you?’ Ally asked, biting her lip. ‘How is the shoulder, anyway?’
‘Better’ Sean lied. ‘But I won’t be going back to full training for a few months yet, so I’ll be able to help out around here’. He gave the place another glance. Everything was perfect. The walls had been painted in a deep plum colour, the tables and chairs were black and pewter; and the tablecloths were white. There was a big mahogany bar where staff took orders and patrons bought drinks. Elegant pendant light fittings completed the upmarket look. It was so much better than the old restaurant, which looked more like the club lounge at a Tabaret than a real restaurant.
‘What about the chef? Have you hired one yet?’ Ally asked.
‘Of course we have’ Sean said. ‘Your dad wanted to hire Alberto again, but he threw a hissy because we didn’t just want to stick to Italian this time. Oh and we changed the name. It’s no longer Tony’s Pizzeria. We thought we’d call it Molloy’s’.
‘It’s great. And I’d love to work here’ Ally said, hugging Sean around the waist, this time!
‘And I’d love to see you in one of those little black skirts with a white shirt and fishnet stockings’ Sean grinned.
Ally laughed. ‘I might take you up on that. Everything but the fishnet stockings. What do you think this is; a burlesque club?’
‘Hey, there’s an idea’ Sean joked.
‘Don’t even think about it, buddy’


Melissa woke up to find the bed empty. At first it all seemed like a strange (but very nice!) dream. But she could smell Marty’s Lynx aftershave on her sheets, so it definitely did happen!
‘Oh no’ Melissa groaned, feeling her cheeks heat up just remembering the night before. ‘What have I done? We’re friends!’ She put a hand over her eyes and shook her head, trying to dislodge the image of Marty lying on his side in her bed, not because she didn’t like it, but because she liked it too much!
She wondered where he’d got to. Looking over at the clock on the bedside table, it wasn’t anywhere near time for training, so he must be still around, she figured. She got up and threw on her sexiest dressing gown, a pink silk job with orchids on the back, and went into the main living area of her tiny terrace house to see what he was up to. After a quick search of the house, it was pretty evident that Marty had done a bunk. Mel frowned, suddenly feeling hurt and bewildered, even though only minutes ago, she’d been regretting the events of the night before. Did she do something wrong? Was she… not good? By lunch time it really started to bug her so she sent him a text. “Where did you get to this morning? I didn’t do something wrong, did I?” She hoped that didn’t sound too clingy or needy. She wasn’t used to wanting the guy to hang around the next day. She’d sent Ben packing before sunrise, even though she intended on having his baby!
Maybe that’s it, she thought. Maybe he doesn’t want to get involved because he remembered that I’m pregnant and doesn’t want the responsibility. Silly Irishman. It’s not like it’s his kid, anyway!
When Marty hadn’t SMS’d back by six o’clock that night, Mel started to get worried. She was on the brink of calling his mobile to find out what the deal was (then changing her mind because that seemed too desperate) when there was a knock on the door.
She sighed, hoping it wasn’t Taylah or Sharon. She didn’t think she could deal with their problems at the moment. All she wanted was for her little situation with Marty to be sorted out, one way or the other. Depressed and just a little bit pissed off, she walked to the door and opened it… and gasped; because Marty stood on the other side - or rather leaned on the other side - his t-shirt covered in blood!
‘What the…’ she started to say; then panicked when he fell to the threshold, unconscious!


‘Come to training’ Dale begged Ash, who was finally starting to lose the chicken pox spots on her face.
Dale sighed. ‘I thought you’d want to watch me; that’s all’.
‘Dale, I watch you all the time! We practically live together! And I go to all the games’.
‘Yeah, but today is different’ Dale insisted.
Ash stared at him. ‘Different how?’
‘Uh…’ Dale said, realising his slip-up, ‘Nothing special’
Ash rolled her eyes. ‘You’re insane. You know that, don’t you?’
Dale laughed. ‘Of course I am. That’s why you love me’.
‘Is it?’ Ash asked. ‘Great, thanks for telling me’.
‘Come on, Ash’ Dale begged. ‘You won’t regret it, I promise’.
Ash narrowed her eyes. ‘Has this got something to do with that proposal you were supposed to organise?’
Dale blushed. ‘No’ he said, quickly.
‘Dale’ Ash sighed. ‘I said romantic, not bizarre! Next thing you’ll be asking me to marry you over the scoreboard at the game! And don’t bother’ she added, seeing the look on Dale’s face. ‘It’s been done to death’.
Dale groaned. ‘How am I supposed to do it, then? I asked you over a week ago! Maybe it’s a bad idea. I mean, now you’re going to be expecting it every time we go out somewhere’.
Ash’s heart melted. He looked so defeated. ‘Don’t worry’ she said. ‘You’ll think of something. You always do. Don’t stress’.
Dale kissed her on the cheek. ‘I’m off’ he said. ‘Training’s at half past ten. Do you want anything at the shops?’
‘A movie would be nice’ she said. ‘My Video Ezy card is in my purse. Your choice, tonight. I think I chose last time’.
‘Did you ever’ Dale laughed. ‘Hanging Up with Meg Ryan, if I remember correctly! Total chick flick. I think I fell asleep half an hour into the start of it’.
‘Yes you did’ Ash frowned. ‘And you snored like a bloody koala. I had to turn the volume up! Just don’t get a Steven Segal movie. I can’t stand that guy’.
‘Jackie Chan?’
‘Arnold Schwarzenegger?’
‘No way’
‘Dale! No action movies, okay? A comedy would be good’.
‘Typical’ Dale laughed. ‘A rom-com, I suppose’
‘Just not Love Actually’ Ash said. ‘It’s on every bloody week on Channel 10’.
‘Got it’ Dale said. ‘No wanky British comedies with Hugh Grant’.


Meanwhile, Melissa was frantically calling 000 and trying to get a response from Marty. She had turned him onto his side in the recovery position, once she’d made sure he was breathing and had a pulse, but he still hadn’t regained consciousness. What the hell had happened, she wondered, in a panic. Who could have done this? Was he mugged? She checked his pockets. No, his wallet was still there. Who would attack a friendly, easy-going bloke like Marty?
She held a folded up tea towel to the wound just below his ribcage on the left hand side. It looked nasty. Melissa tried to think what was under the heart in that area. The spleen? Had the knife (or whatever he was stabbed with) gone in that far?
She tried to get a response out of him again, by shaking his shoulder gently, just like she’d been taught in first aid classes. ‘Marty’ she called. ‘Can you hear me?’
Finally he made a noise of sorts. It sounded like aaargh. Melissa stopped shaking him in case she was causing him pain. His eyes opened.
‘Marty? What happened? Are you okay?’
‘Uh…’ he tried to say.
‘Oh, I’m so stupid’ Melissa said. ‘Don’t try to talk. The ambulance is on it’s way’.
‘No, it’s okay’ Marty said, in a near whisper. ‘I just feel a bit woozy, that’s all’.
‘Still the ambos should have a look at you’ Melissa insisted. ‘Just lie there, don’t try and sit up just yet’.
It was several minutes before she could get Marty back on his feet, and she helped him into the house and onto the couch. ‘I think your wound has stopped bleeding’ she told him. ‘Do you mind if I have a look?’
Marty pulled up his t-shirt, the same one he’d been wearing the night before. ‘God, did you even go to training today?’ Melissa asked him.
‘Of course I did’ he said. ‘This was after’.
‘Did you go home at all?’
‘All my stuff’s in my locker at training’ he explained. ‘No reason to go home’.
Mel examined the wound. The blood around it had darkened to a red-brown colour. ‘Were you stabbed?’ She asked. ‘Who did this?’
‘Some guy at the pub’ Marty answered. ‘I went in for a beer after training, and this guy was pissed as a newt, and he started heckling me about our game against the Filth on the weekend. He wasn’t happy about some of the umpiring decisions against the Blues. When I tried to explain the free against Judd, he went totally shithouse and jumped me. Smashed his beer glass and just went at me with it’.
‘It’s lucky he didn’t do any more damage’ Melissa gasped. ‘You’re not hurt anywhere else?’
‘Oh well, now that you mention it…’ Marty managed to grin.
Melissa blushed. ‘I don’t mean that! How could you possibly feel like sex when you’ve just been attacked?’
‘Mel darling’ Marty laughed. ‘The only time a man doesn’t feel like sex is on his death bed. Oh, and if he thinks his Missus is cheating on him’.
She wanted to ask him why he’d bolted that morning, but sensed it wasn’t the time. Besides, the ambos were at her door. She went to let them in.
Five minutes later, they were packing Marty into an ambulance to take him to hospital to have scans and sew up his wound. He held her hand in the back of the ambulance. ‘I’m sorry about today’ he whispered. ‘I didn’t know what to do’.
‘Don’t worry about it’ Melissa said, ‘Tell me later’. It took all her will power to say that. She desperately wanted to know what he meant.
‘Thanks for being here’ he said, and closed his gorgeous brown eyes.
‘Marty?’ Melissa called, frantically. ‘Marty, wake up!’


That very same night, it was the opening night of Molloy’s, and the place was packed. Alyssa was maitre ‘d, and Sean was helping out in the kitchen. Some of the players and their wives and girlfriends had shown up to lend the couple support in their newest venture. Rocca and his wife couldn’t believe how different the place looked. ‘I’ve been here a couple of times’ Anthony said to Sean. ‘Your father-in-law was one of Mark’s Places’ competitors, back in the day. Have to say, I’m glad you guys aren’t just doing Italian, now’.
Ben and Courtnie were there, also, celebrating an anniversary of some kind or another. Alyssa thought it was cute how they sat so close together at their table for two, holding hands and gazing into each other’s eyes.
Ash and Dale also sat at a table for two, in a corner under a romantic hanging pendant light, a bottle of Chardonnay opened in front of them. Ash was wondering when he was going to get up the guts to go down on one knee, but she thought she could probably wait a bit longer, and ordered a seafood entrée. ‘Ooh’ Dale grinned. ‘Oysters, huh? Planning a big night, are we?’
‘I don’t know’ Ash grinned. ‘Are we?’ She was dressed in a smart but casual pair of black pants and a lacy white shirt. Dale had dressed up a bit, too, which was unusual for him. She had to admit, she liked him in the charcoal pants and black shirt he was wearing. Much better than some of the baggy cargo pants and t-shirts she was used to seeing him in.
‘You tell me’ Dale said, infuriatingly. He was grinning like he knew something she didn’t know. Ash shook her head. ‘If you’re meaning to propose, why don’t you just get it over with?’ she said. ‘I know what’s coming’.
‘Do you now?’ he asked. ‘Do you remember how I popped the question to Em?’
‘Didn’t you serenade her or something?’ Ash said. ‘Oh no, Dale… You’re not going to sing, are you?’
‘Nope’ Dale said. ‘Been there, done that. You’ll just have to wait and see’.
By dessert, Ash was ready to throttle him. ‘Okay okay’ he laughed. ‘You want your surprise?’
Ash nodded. ‘Please’.
Dale turned to Alyssa and mimed the “movie” action in Charades. She nodded, turned and went through a door behind her little maitre’d’s podium.
‘What are you up to?’ Ash asked, shaking her head and laughing.
‘You’ll see’ Dale promised. ‘Turn your seat to the right a bit’.
Suddenly music started playing out of nowhere. It was “Kissed By a Rose”, from Seal. The wide screen TV showed a life-sized picture of Ash and Dale together, his arms around her waist and his chin resting on her head. Ash recognised it from a recent birthday party they’d been to. The pictures kept changing, all of either Dale or Ash or both of them, in the relatively short space of time they’d been together. Then the screen went black, and words appeared. “What next for Ash and Dale?” It read. “Well, hopefully, if all goes well, she’ll marry him”. A picture, obviously taken of Dale on his mobile camera, showed up of Dale holding a box in his hand and looking hopeful. Ash laughed. ‘You dag’ she said.
‘Keep watching’ he instructed her.
And if not” the message read “He can always sell the ring on E-Bay”.
‘So’ said a videotaped Dale, addressing the camera. ‘What do you say, Ash? Want to become the next Mrs Thomas?’
The whole room was watching Ash for her reaction. Including Dale, of course.
‘Yes, of course I will’ Ash said. ‘I’d love to marry you’.
Dale smiled and laid the ring box on the table in front of her. ‘You wanted a movie’ he explained. ‘I thought it was a bit more comedy than romance, but it was better than Hanging Up’.
Ash laughed and let him put the ring on her finger. Then they hugged and kissed. Like the first time they kissed in the car at the cabin when on holiday with Cooper and Em, the whole world disappeared and the only people who existed were Ash and Dale. He kissed her like he’d never kissed her before. But no one was telling the newly engaged couple to get a room. Everyone was clapping.

Meanwhile, another couple were sharing the love. Ben and Courtnie had left their table while the attention was on Ash and Dale, and slipped into the Ladies’. They shut the cubicle door behind them and got right down to business. The only witness was a middle-aged lady who thought someone was dying in there (from all the moaning) and ran for her life!

Melissa sat outside the operating theatre, chewing her nails to the quick. This couldn’t be happening. Apparently, Marty’s wound was deeper than the doctors had thought, and he had some internal bleeding. They’d been in there just over half an hour with no word on what was happening. She’d called his parents in Ireland to let them know what was going on. She didn’t think they’d appreciate it if they got a phone call informing them their son was dead, if something went wrong. They thanked her between sobs, but were barely coherent, what with their Irish accents and their anguish.
Suddenly, the doctor came out from the double swinging doors. Melissa stood up immediately. ‘Is he okay?’
‘We managed to fix the nick in his aorta, but it was a very close call’ the doctor said. ‘He’s in recovery. You can see him once he’s stable enough to be moved up to a ward’.
Melissa waited at the door while the nurses made Marty comfortable in a bed upstairs. When they walked past her, a nurse patted her on the shoulder. ‘Are you the girlfriend?’ she asked. ‘He’s been asking for a Melissa’.
‘That’s me’ Mel said, and had to restrain herself from running into his room and throwing her arms around him. She was so relieved he was okay. He looked very pale and tired, but otherwise very alive. Mel leaned over and kissed his cheek. ‘Hi’ she said, taking his hand. ‘How are you feeling?’
‘Like they opened me up and played with me guts’ Marty joked. ‘They’re giving me some pretty decent painkillers, though’.
‘Do you need anything? I mean, can I get you anything?’
‘A kiss would be good’ Marty grinned.
‘You haven’t changed’ she told him.
‘They sewed me up, they didn’t remove my sense of humour’ he joked. ‘At least, I hope they didn’t’.
‘No’ Mel grinned. ‘I think we can safely say they left that where it was’.
They looked at each other for the longest time. Mel felt her cheeks burn. She couldn’t believe she was looking at her close friend in a way she’d never seen him before!
‘So’ Marty said, ‘Where’s that kiss, then?’

Next on the Plot Sickens,

Strauchanie learns not to f**k with Taylah,
Nick has a surprise for Danni,
And someone’s about to leave the Lexus Centre… For Good!
Or are they?!


A Pie for Life.

Last edited by mel_kay39 on Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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Emily14 Scorpio

Joined: 14 Mar 2006

PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:07 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

wicked as!
lovin it
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Magpie Girl Leo

Daisy, my Collingwood supporting birdy....

Joined: 01 Jan 2008
Location: Down town Bundy! ...& the #43 bandwagon!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:07 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Hehehehe...... LOL Laughing Very Happy
That was pretty good! I'm liking it! Smile

"Everyone has their story and mine is unique, but I'm definitely trying to use that to help as many people as I can." - Heritier O'Brien ( 7/7/08 )
Harry, you're a champ!
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Miss_Lisey_Molloy Taurus

Keith Urban - CMA 2005 Entertainer Of The Year!

Joined: 19 Jun 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:41 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh, Sean! I love you Very Happy hahaha!

Oh, that's the best restaurant name ever!! Very Happy!!! When I marry a millionaire, I am so opening a restaurant named Molloy's Very Happy

Love always, Alyssa xoxo

*~Alyssa's Song Of The Moment~*
I See You - Luke Bryan

Jarrod Molloy's #1 Fan! Pies are Premiers in 2010!!
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Joined: 28 Aug 2007

PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:40 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

yeah I thought it sounded like a good name for a restaurant. Like one of those places where they serve great big plates of chips, salad and fish or steak, and you can barely get through the entree let alone the main course. I love those places. Stuff that five star restaurant crap where they give you a sliver of carrot and a bit of parsley and call it gourmet.
A Pie for Life.
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