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The Plot Sickens

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Oh Diddy your so fine.... I want to make you mine.... hey diddy

Joined: 20 Apr 2006
Location: Pakenham

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 10:34 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

AhHhHhH i need to kno who is in that shower and will he resist me
hehe go lee u told that fat hack where to go

We Are The Black and White Army, FoReVeR
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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 12:49 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

hell yeah lee... awesome. and who is in that shower??????
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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leelee Scorpio

Live. Love. Race.

Joined: 18 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 11:12 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

i'm in the shower Very HappyVery HappyVery Happy lol
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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:20 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

norty girl!!
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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melissa Scorpio

Joined: 23 Feb 2004
Location: Geelong, Victoria

PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 11:46 pm
Post subject: The Plot SickensReply with quote

Episode 15


Jen closed her eyes, prayed to God, and peered around the dividing wall. It was difficult to see through the steam, but she could make out the form of a man, more muscular, and with darker skin than Heath (d’oh!) with short, dark hair. He was well built through the shoulders, and had a rather nice butt. He appeared to have grown two extra appendages, though! A pair of legs were wrapped around his waist, and then… what was that? A girl’s head appeared over his shoulder, hair flattened down by the rushing water and eyes squeezed shut, so Jen couldn’t see who she was, but she thought she knew who he was!
They were making some noise now, and the girl was biting into his shoulder muscles. Before she could get caught, Jen backed off and with a grin, left the change rooms as quickly as she could. She called off the hunt for Lisa. She’d taken too much of a risk already. She only managed to breathe easier once she was on the right side of those double glass doors!
When they were done getting it on, Danni and Licca soaped each other up, giggling and kissing. ‘I’d better go, or Mick’s gonna notice I’m missing’, he told her. She put her arms around his neck. ‘I don’t want you to go’.
‘And I don’t want to miss the game this week’, he told her, smiling.
She pouted. ‘Can we get together after, then?
‘Of course we can, babe! And I have a surprise for you. You know how you’re a real adrenaline junkie and like to do it in weird places?’
She crossed her arms. ‘I do not!’
‘Oh, and a lifeguard platform’s what you call ordinary? Don’t worry, I like it! I’ve got an idea. I’ll see you on Saturday. Now, you’d better run or you’ll get caught in here’.

‘Hi, Em! Going to Leelee’s birthday on Friday night?’ Jade asked, putting her hair up in a ponytail and checking her make-up in the mirror.
‘Of course. Wouldn’t miss it. What are you wearing?’
‘Oh just a nice top and pair of jeans. You?’
‘Bought something new. Daisy’s not going to know what hit him’ She grinned.
‘Hey, did you hear the goss? That feral Lisa is actually going out with Travis Cloke!’
‘Yeah, I know. She’s not so bad, you know, Jade. If you get to know her. She’s been a bit of a tart in the past but I think everyone deserves a second chance. And I figure, if Trav likes her, she must be all right’.
‘Oh, okay! Geez, you’re really mellowing out these days. You used to hate the ferals’.
‘Some of them, I still do. But Pinky and the Brain don’t carry on like some I’ve seen. They come to training a lot, but they don’t squeal and carry on every time a player so much as looks in their direction. Like those two we doused in fish sauce’.
‘Yeah, I heard about that. Susie told me. Hilarious. Wish I’d been there’.
‘Yeah it was priceless’.
Jade made her way out to the member’s lounge. Her heart picked up pace when she saw Dids sitting at a table, all by himself. Should I go over there? She thought. Say hello? Nothing suss about that, she reassured herself. I will just look like a friend, innocently saying hi…
‘Jade! Over here’.
Dids was smiling, patting the seat beside him. Jade was in two minds. She really wanted to go over there, but it probably wouldn’t be a good idea. Especially not in her state of mind!
In the end, the naughty Jade won out. She went and sat beside him, against her better judgement, and was thrilled – and dismayed at the same time – when he dared to put a hand on her thigh while they got into a discussion about the umpiring in last week’s game. His hand was warm and stayed there for at least three seconds, long enough to bring a blush to her cheeks. But she kept talking and listening as if nothing had happened. What the heck is going on here? She thought. His girlfriend’s a model – why is he flirting with me? If Cassie had been around she would have understood his motivation. Quite clearly he would have been using her to make his girlfriend jealous. But a quick glance around the room told her that wasn’t the case.
‘Are you going to Boutique on Friday night? Leelee’s having her birthday there so there’ll be a few players’.
‘Aw, probably not. Last time I went to a nightclub I got thrown out for creating a disturbance. That was because of Cassie, too’.
‘I remember that. Why don’t you go out without her?’
‘Because I’d never hear the end of it. Believe me, it’s tempting’.
‘So, go! She doesn’t own you’. What are you doing, Jade, she asked herself. Encouraging him to have a social life apart from the old ball and chain? Where you can get him alone? Dance with him, maybe? Although dancing was just the start of what she had planned! As usual, the good Jade, dressed in her mind like a little angel on her right shoulder, was telling her to back off. But Naughty Jade, dressed in figure-hugging red spandex with devil’s horns, was in the driver’s seat on this occasion! Hey, he started it, Naughty Jade protested. He didn’t have to touch me on the leg!
Dids grinned at her. ‘You’re a strange one, you are! One minute you’re telling me I should pay more attention to my girlfriend, and the next you’re saying I should go out without her! So which is it?’
‘Well, you don’t have to listen to me’. Jade said. ‘I’m not a psychiatrist’.
He laughed. ‘Do you think I need one?’
I think your girlfriend needs one, she thought, if she’s interested in other guys.
‘No, of course not’, she said. ‘I just don’t know why you’re paying so much attention to my advice’.
He shrugged. ‘Nothing I do seems to work. May as well get an unbiased opinion’.
Well, you won’t be finding one here, Jade thought. Aloud she said ‘Well, I’m glad you value my opinion. I’d just hate to give the wrong advice and have you hate me if Cassie breaks up with you’.
‘I could never hate you’. He said, playfully.
Jade felt trapped by his gorgeous brown eyes. There was a moment where they could see only each other and everyone else in the room disappeared. She could feel her heart beating faster and longed to put her hand over his to see if it was racing, too. He certainly looked as nervous and exhilarated as she was. Then the moment passed as quickly as it had come.
‘Well, I have to… um, go. I’ll see you later?’
‘Yeah. I’ll think about Friday. Might be nice to get out on my own for once’.
‘You should. It’s fun. You don’t need to be in each other’s pockets all the time, you know’.
‘Yeah. Maybe you’re right. Anyway, catch you later’.

Nicole was in a frenzy. Travis was making her positively ill making out with that skanky piece of white trash and Jason was being a pratt, whinging about how come he didn’t get a game last week. To top it all off, she’d lost her favourite lipstick.
‘We have to put a stop to this rot, Lindsay’, she was saying, searching furiously through her massive handbag. ‘Travis is quite clearly out of his tiny little mind if he thinks she is worth spending five minutes with! Discrediting her didn’t work. We’ll just have to be smarter about it’.
‘I don’t know why it bothers you so much. One would think you had a thing for Travis, the way you’re going on’. Lindsay replied, irritated at Nicole’s one-track mind lately.
‘I don’t have a thing for Travis, thank you very much! True, he’s kind of hot and he’s sweet n’ all, but that… that…’ Nicole was lost for words when it came to describing Travis’s new girlfriend.
‘Ho?’ Lindsay offered.
‘Yes! That ho is not good enough for him!’
‘And who is? You?!’
Lindsay ducked as Nicole took aim at her with her hairbrush.

Yasmine was helping the club doctor with some fitness tests before the weekend’s game. Leon Davis had just finished up on the treadmill, doing fifteen minutes of light jogging without a twinge from his hamstring. He waved her goodbye, and trundled off, with Yasmine thinking how nice it was to have at least one player be so happy-go-lucky all the time. All they seemed to do lately was bitch about her heavy-handed tactics. She was just trying to turn some of the boys into men! Not in the way she would have liked to, but then you can’t have everything, can you? She looked at the list. Ryan Lonie was next. He’d had some trouble with his right ankle and they needed to decide whether it was worth risking him playing on it. With the mid-season break so close, he could probably get away with a week off. But you tell that to the guys and more often that not they will argue the point, and say they are fine.
‘I’m just going to head out for a bit, Yasmine’, Paul Blackman said. ‘I’ll be back in about fifteen minutes. Just get Ryan started on some walking first, then running and I’ll check in on him’.
‘Oh, okay’, she said. Fine with her. Especially the way Ryan was looking today. He walked up to her, waved at Paul with a look of concern at seeing him leaving. ‘Where is he going?’ He asked her. Dressed in a black tank top and those tight pants the boys like to wear at training, Yasmine was barely paying attention to what he had to say!
‘Huh? Oh, he’s just going out for a couple of minutes. He’ll be back. So, how’s the ankle?’
‘Not too bad. Hardly limping at all now. Think I just rolled it taking that mark’.
‘Well, how about hopping on the treadmill for me and we’ll see what shape it’s in’.
Ryan put down his bag and jumped obligingly on the treadmill. Eager to get this over with, and not so eager to be in a room alone with the girl some of the guys were calling a predator, he wanted the speed jacked up so he could be out of there faster.
‘That’s not the way it works, and you know it’, she smiled, amused. She walked over to him, and stood alongside the treadmill. She was wearing a tight white halterneck top and bright red shorts that reminded Ryan of boyhood days drooling over Baywatch. Her dark wavy hair smelled like strawberries. He tried not to smell it but she did seem to be standing rather close. Her top was showing a bit of cleavage at the front, which Ryan was sure was not an accident. She turned the treadmill up a bit and stood beside it as he walked at a brisk pace for two or three minutes, then, not noticing any discomfort from his ankle, turned it up a notch. He managed that fairly easy. So she turned it up again, until he was going at a fair clip. She liked to watch guys run. She liked to watch guys do pretty much anything if they were fit and had muscles like this one. He wasn’t as buff as Brodie or Chris Tarrant but that didn’t matter. She could sense a weakness in this one. A vulnerability. Like a lion that susses out its prey, she could tell this one was ripe for the kill. She slowed him down and put a hand on his arm. ‘How’s the ankle now?’ She purred.
‘Okay’, he breathed. He was just going fast enough that it was uncomfortable to talk and run at the same time. He was uncomfortable about the hand on his arm, too, but wasn’t going to say anything about it. He didn’t want to embarrass her. Just in case she was just being nice.
Paul Blackman came back in and she dropped the hand pretty quickly. The significance was lost on Ryan, who just wanted to be judged fit and firing. Paul watched him for a few minutes then let him go, advising him to stretch before training and go easy the next couple of days. He nodded and hightailed it out of there. Yasmine watched him go. Hm, she thought. Will have fun working on that one.

Next up…

Is Nicole hot for Travis?
Will Ryan become Yasmine’s next victim?
What has Licca got planned for Danni?

Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 12:15 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

well im so stoked that was me and licca in the shower, i cant wait for the next ep i need to know whats he has planned now!!!!!!!!!!! its killing me already!!!!!!!!
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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leelee Scorpio

Live. Love. Race.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 8:29 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

no no no no no no yasmine is not going to get leelee's ryan! (end of story... huge pout on face!)
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got more wit, better kiss, a hotter touch, a better...

Joined: 02 Dec 2005
Location: none of yo' business!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 10:35 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

great. once again, brilliant. nearly crossed into porno territory with the shower scene, but hey, pretty good! so..........what's my fate? i'm not getting killed off, am i!?
...~*Can't take the kid from the fight, take the fight from the kid (Just sit back)...*~...

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Oh Diddy your so fine.... I want to make you mine.... hey diddy

Joined: 20 Apr 2006
Location: Pakenham

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:25 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

woah bring on leelee's party!!!!
dids afta that hideous frock your gf wore, you should come hang with some rEaL chicks at lee's party lol

We Are The Black and White Army, FoReVeR
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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:57 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

yes agree with you yadie, he needs some real women.
i dont mind the shower scene, i thought it was great!!!

- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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Oh Diddy your so fine.... I want to make you mine.... hey diddy

Joined: 20 Apr 2006
Location: Pakenham

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:43 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

shower scene is a fantastic idea
We Are The Black and White Army, FoReVeR
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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 11:48 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

yeah im replaying it over and over in my head............
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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Emily14 Scorpio

Joined: 14 Mar 2006

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:17 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

did i die?
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melissa Scorpio

Joined: 23 Feb 2004
Location: Geelong, Victoria

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:56 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

nope bella, you and chris have an interesting storyline coming up.
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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melissa Scorpio

Joined: 23 Feb 2004
Location: Geelong, Victoria

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 10:41 pm
Post subject: The Plot SickensReply with quote

Episode 15

Small confined spaces

Leelee and Ryan were at Myer in the city, looking for something to wear to the Black and White Ball. Leelee had tried on half a dozen dresses while Ryan sat and played games on his PSP, looking up occasionally to nod and give her the thumbs up. Problem was, he seemed to think everything she tried on was all right and wouldn’t give her an honest answer. Bugger this, she thought, I should have brought one of the girls along. But she had had no time alone with him lately due to the hours she was working. It was nice to do something couple-like, for once.
When she came out in a particularly sexy, red backless number Ryan’s eyes lit up. ‘Yeah, that one’ he said. She didn’t really like the way it looked on her but if he liked it… Well, he must have liked it a lot because he followed her into the change-room!
‘Ryan!’ She whispered, giggling, ‘What are you doing in here?’
‘Helping you out of this dress’. He said, playfully, sliding one spaghetti strap down her shoulder. Because of the low cut back the dress practically fell off when he slid the other down.
‘I’m practically naked here’, she protested, and he grinned.
‘Yeah, I know’.
‘Keep your voice down!’ She told him, barely able to stop herself from laughing. ‘We’ll get thrown out of here’.
‘Then don’t talk’. He pulled her close to him and started kissing her. She couldn’t help but kiss him back, but even though the door was locked from the inside she feared someone looking over or under it and catching them out. ‘Ryan, I’m sorry, I just can’t do this’, she told him, pushing him away. He sighed. ‘Well, when can you? I’ve hardly seen you all week. Now the Ball is coming up, you’re pulling double shifts! This is the only time we’ve had all week together, and you’d rather go shopping. So I thought, kill two birds with one stone’.
‘I’m sorry. You’re right. We can do this any time. Let’s go back to your place’.
‘Now that sounds like an idea’.
Just as they were leaving the change-rooms they caught a glimpse of Paul Licuria and his girlfriend, looking mighty pleased with themselves, an armful of lingerie in her arms, coming out of another stall!
‘I’ll bet they did it’, Ryan pouted.

Bella made her way to the Lexus Centre, the photos she took of Chris Tarrant on the passenger seat in a folder. She couldn’t wait to see his face. She kept telling herself he was taken but that didn’t seem to make any difference to the way she felt. When she got to the front desk she saw Leelee chatting with the receptionist. Bella waited, politely. Leelee turned and saw her, and smiled. ‘Oh, hi! You’re the photographer, aren’t you? How did the photos go? Chris didn’t mention anything’.
‘He didn’t? Maybe he was embarrassed. They are pretty… revealing’.
‘Ooh! Can I have a look?’ grinned Leelee.
Bella wanted to show her but she thought she should give Chris first dibs. ‘How about I show you after Chris has seen them? That’s only fair’. She said.
‘Oh, of course! No worries! You’ll probably find him in the gym today. But you promise to show me those, later!’
‘Leelee, you perve! Yes, all right’, Bella laughed. ‘Hey do you reckon Ryan would pose?’
‘Not on your life’ was the short answer!
Bella found Taz just coming in from the oval. His bag was thrown over a shoulder, sweat gleaming on his naked chest. Oh, wow, she thought. I have to get to training more often!
‘Chris! It’s Bella, remember?’ She called. He turned and waved. ‘Oh! Hi, are my photos ready?’
‘Yeah, do you have time to look?’
‘Sure!’ She followed him to a chair and table in a large room with a bar. It was almost empty, which she was grateful for.
She slid the photos out onto the table. Watched his face. A blush crept up onto his cheeks and he started rubbing the back of his neck. ‘How many people are going to see these?’ He asked, looking around to make sure no one was looking over his shoulder.
‘Why? Don’t you like them? I thought they were great’. Bella said, her heart sinking. What if he didn’t let her take them into the magazine?
‘Yeah, it’s just… a little more than I thought was showing! That towel really was er… small’.
‘Well, considering the fact that most people in the magazine are completely naked, just using arms and legs to cover their bits, you’ve been lucky’, she pointed out.
‘Oh, okay! Well… do you need my permission to use them or something? Like, do I have to sign a release?’
‘Do you want to?’
He shrugged. ‘Hell, why not?’ She gave him the form and he signed on the dotted line. ‘I can’t guarantee which picture they will use, though’.
‘That’s okay. I don’t mind. Thanks for showing me first, anyway’.
‘Hey, I wouldn’t send them in without your approval’.
Bella caught back up with Leelee near her office, which had been upgraded to the small room beside Jennifer’s. Yep, no more box-office! Leelee had been rapt. Especially since it’s previous occupant had been none other than Marcy!
‘Hey, come and sit in my office’, Leelee said, proudly. ‘Show us those photos!’
After oohing and aahing, Bella dared to ask the question that had been on her mind since the day of the photo shoot. ‘What’s Chris’s girlfriend like?’
Leelee looked up at her. She looked worried. ‘He told you he has a girlfriend?’
‘Yes. Why?’ Bella asked, puzzled.
Leelee sighed. ‘This is worse than I thought! Okay. Chris did have a girlfriend. About six months ago. She went to Schoolies Week on the Gold Coast and didn’t come back. Sent him a letter basically saying she was sick of him not kicking goals so she was dating Nick Davis instead. She’s living in Sydney now. He was devastated. To lose the love of his life, and to Nick Davis! I mean, the guy’s got a premiership medallion! It was like a kick in the nuts. I guess he just hasn’t gotten over it. Maybe he’s in denial’.
‘Oh, that poor guy! How did you find out about this?’
‘One of the players’ girlfriends told me. She was a good friend of hers. She was pretty disgusted once she found out, though. Won’t talk to her now’.
‘I don’t blame her! What a cow!’ Bella was ecstatic, but hiding it well. She just had to find a way to get through to Chris. He was clearly not thinking straight.
‘Why don’t you invite him to my birthday Friday night?’ Leelee suggested. ‘Put the moves on him there? I know you like him. And God knows, he needs a wake up call!’
Bella nodded. ‘That’s a great idea. If he’ll go’.
‘Tell you what, how about I invite him, you both turn up and it looks like an accident if you get together’, Leelee said, with a wink. ‘See you at Boutique Friday night, then?’

Yasmine was more than a little agitated. She’d hit Ryan with all her feminine wiles during their little chat about his diet and exercise plan, and she had come to the conclusion that he was a complete and utter waste of her energy. He wasn’t responding to her at all! Even when she’d dropped her pen, leaned forward to pick it up and given him a taste of what he could have if he played his cards right! If anything he was in an even bigger rush to get out the door! He was either gay or pussy-whipped by some ditsy girlfriend, she decided. The idea that he just wasn’t interested hadn’t even occurred to her.
So when Scott Pendlebury waltzed into the room she brightened up considerably.
‘How’s that hip?’ She asked.
‘Pretty good, thanks’. He said.
She walked up to him, seductively. She was wearing another low-cut top, but because it was getting toward June and a little bit nippy outside, she wore a long skirt with a split up the side. Tracksuit pants just weren’t her style.
She put a finger under his chin. ‘Is there anything else I can do for you?’
Scott grinned. ‘I’m sure I can think of something’. His mates were never going to believe this!
She took his hand and led him to the door of the supply room. Shut it behind them. Wheeled him around and pushed him down amongst the balls, punching bags and pads. Straddled him and practically ripped the t-shirt off his back.
‘You’ve been working out’, she noted, running a fingernail down his torso.
‘Just how I like ‘em. Young and strong. And hopefully’, she added, working his tracksuit pants down his legs, ‘Long’.

A few minutes later, Licca and Danni were shuffling into the gym, hoping to take advantage of the very same supply room! They looked around furtively. ‘This is your surprise?’ Danni asked him. Wrinkling up her nose in distaste at the smell of perspiration and Deep Heat that was lingering on the air.
He shrugged. ‘Well, best I could do at short notice!’
‘That’s okay, baby! Hey, these massage tables look comfy’, she said, suggestively. She winked at him.
‘Oh no! No way! That’s just a bit too risky! Anyone could walk in! I was thinking more the supply room’. He walked over to it. And heard noises of passion coming from inside. ‘Hey’, he whispered to Danni, ‘I think someone’s had the same idea! Listen to this!’
She walked over and put her ear to the door. ‘Oh my god, you’re right!’ she whispered back. It was hard not to giggle.
They could hear a woman moaning ‘Oh Scott, Oh Scott, Oh, God!’
‘Not Burnsey, surely?’ Paul said, frowning. ‘He’s married… so it would have to be… Pendles!’
‘Hey’, Danni grinned. ‘Let’s hang around and see the look on their faces when they come out’.
‘Oh, that is too evil. Okay’. Paul agreed.
They didn’t have to wait too long. Trying to be as quiet as possible wasn’t easy though. Especially not when Danni got a fit of the giggles. Licca had to put a hand over her mouth when he heard footsteps approaching the door.
Pendles walked out first, looking like the cat that swallowed the canary. Licca almost fell over when he saw whom his team mate had been with.
‘Hi guys’, she said, coolly. Sauntered past himself and Danni like she’d just been in there counting tennis balls or something. Scott was as red as a tomato but looking kind of pleased that they’d been caught. This way, he won’t have to tell the rest of us, Licca thought. He’d be counting on me doing it for him!
He patted Scotty on the back. ‘No need to guess who was on top, in there’.

Coming up on The Plot Sickens..

It’s the night of Leelee’s birthday bash
Who will fight?
Who will break up?
And who will be seeing double?

Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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