I am pumped for this one....
Pineapple Hotel - Booked
Possible Guests - (that's right there is an S on the end of Guest)
John Greening - Handy Player back in the late 60's early 70's - You might have heard of him.
Denis Banks - Useful back line player in a particular game in 1990...
and a possible Fitzroy Legend....Why not.
I have spoken to the Hotel about some of the "Issues" from 2010 and they assure me that it will be specatcular!
I am also negotiating to involve the AFL X-Men as much as possible in this event with funds raised going to their cause. to find out more about them check out this website - www.aflxmen.com.au
Looking forward to it already!
12th May 2012
Moderators: rez_83, Northern Pie