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Pie no sauce

Post by Pie no sauce »

Well jman I agree in principle but I think your first premis is a little shaky. We don't exactly cut a logical parallel with Sydney as they were a new team in a new state which had to succeed. If CFC went Fitzroys way believe me mate, there'd be noise but no tears from other Melbourne clubs and open delight from interstaters.

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, (even as it stands with a mortgage on the 1st pick) someone has to ensure the club PICKS YOUNG DRAFTEES AND NOT DISCARDED HACKS DRESSED UP LIKE SHOW PONIES.

BTW is there an official announcement on essendon and melbourne's sentences???
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Post by bokka »

I don't think we should be begging for extra draft picks on the grounds that we're terrible. If we are, taht's our own fault.
Otherwise it might as well be horse racing or Communism, where you handicap the best - it makes the whole thing meaningless, and not much of a satisfying achievement if you get success that way.
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Post by Damien »

Guys, lets get a few things straight.....

Jman - there is no similarity between us now and Sydney then. The issue then was getting the Sydney market, end of story. The clubs whinged about the concessions at the time but it was all done "for the good of the game" We are big enough to look after ourselves, we don't need any extra concessions apart from our draft picks and the extra one that anyone with less than four wins in a year gets. (which we may not qualify for)

Pie no sauce - Your right, if Collingwood perished on Friday, by Monday they'd be saying Collingwood who? The AFL continues to take the melbourne market for granted and the sad bit for us is that it would continue to thrive without us in it. On the subject of using draft picks wisely, I don't think you can be too critical of Judkins in his short time at the club. His predecessors on the other hand (early 90's)should be hung on a cross in the middle of Vic Park and pelted with VB cans.

Bokka - We are already in a handicapping /communist situation. The draft and salary cap are geared around evening up the competition. The problem is the draw, unless you play all teams twice at home and away it is uneven. We will continue to be drawn against Carlton, Richmond and Essendon twice at the 'G' every season which is good for us money wise but no good when we're at the bottom and they're at the top - so its a vicious circle. The AFL equalisation scheme is also a disadvantage for us, as we obviously contribute much more than most other melbourne clubs and the interstaters attendances are mostly members.

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Post by bokka »

well basically the AFL stinks these days, I wonder why I still follow it sometimes. Salary cap is maybe not too bad an idea, draft pick thing is going too far. The AFL is governed by profiteers, they're not doing draft handicapping etc for fairness (the unfair draw proves that) but just to make the games closer so they'll get more interest hence more dollars.
But anyway, given the draft pick, we should get the advantage as much as anyone, but all Ii was sayign is I disagreee with begging for *extra* consessions on top of that.
Pie no sauce

Post by Pie no sauce »

I didn't say anything about asking let alone begging Bokka. I understand your disatisfaction with the "fleecers" especially since you and I can't even get a miserly radio call when so far from the hallowed turf. Nevertheless any organisation has rules and rules will never be piefect. Just think on the +ve side and droooool over the picks we'll get (not beg 4) given and hopefully use ever so wisely. I guess I wouldn't complain if they somehow obtained a proven player from another club it's just that if we are building lets use new materials as damn near every discard we've ever got has been a dud. This 200+ cm Josh whatever his name is sounds like the bees knees. I'll chip in 50 hongkong dollars for Judkins bus tickets to get out and start reviewing the candidates NOW.
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