Boot the boofhead

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Boot the boofhead

Post by AlfAndrews »

Well, well, well

The Herald Slime has done it again. A story prompted by the behaviour of one Carlton supporter has been illustrated on pages 77 and 80 by a picture of someone getting arrested. But guess which club the arrested spectator barracks for?

I notice they obscured his face, obviously to stop any chance of him suing them for implying that he was a 'boofhead'. Why couldn't they have also obscured his jumper and club logo as well. Oh, no. That would have spoiled the message that all Collingwood supporters are boofheads who need to be booted.

Then, on page 77 Mike Sheahen uses the occasion to sink the boot into his two least favourite clubs.

"Tensions run high when Collingwood plays Richmond, for example. A wrong word here, a glance there, and there's trouble, as we saw recently."

Then he's got the gall to suggest that footy yobbos pay "precious little for the right" to launch personal attacks on players, umpires and opposition supporters. That's a bit rich coming from a person who pays absolutely nothing (in fact he gets paid!!!) for the privilege of venting his anti-Collingwood prejudices in the pages of that gutter-rag week-in and week-out.

I don't suppose the poor fellow who fell foul of the law (is it someone we know on this Bulletin Board, I wonder) will be able to afford to sue this cheap tabloid by the time he's paid his fine. I'm not sure what he did to incur the wrath of the constabulary but he certainly didn't deserve to be used as a pawn in the Herald Sun's kick-Collingwood-when-they're-down campaign.

**floreat pica**
Magpie Gal 19
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Post by Magpie Gal 19 »

Hey Joffa, it's me Beazley's chick here. I just wanna say I am very proud to be a good mate of your's. I just can't believe that they bloody Herold Sun did that. They should be bloody ashamed of themselfves. If anyone ever judges you from the paper this morning They have rocks in tneir heads and I would personally give them a huge lecture about it asnd maybe..........
Hey Buddy. Keep your head up and never stop smiling.

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Greg J
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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Post by Greg J »

Joffa. No need to apologise. You were only supporting your team and your friend. That Richmond scum bag was the one who should have been tossed out.

On the way back from the bar, I remember asking the coppers at the back of the Ponsford stand to throw out all those people in yellow and black who were spoiling my day. But of course I was referring to the Richmond players and I was ignored.

Where you in the Ponsford or at the Punt road end that game.
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