Geordies Out of the Cup

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Geordies Out of the Cup

Post by DIPPER »

Hey Joffa what's up,you're a bit quiet on here lately i wanted to know what u felt about Newcastle going out of the cup,nothing to play for now mate just gotta build for next season a bit of a pisser ay?
Also Mark Bosnich has left Man U on a free transfer to join Chelsea,you've got to admire the bloke he just stuck to his guns & said to Fergie u can stick it up your arse but i'm only leaving this club on a free if u try & get a fee for me then I'll just stay here for the remainder of my contract & keep picking up my wages.It's about time someone stuck it to that Jock prick.
And Alf if you're about your team's goalkeeping hero Bruce Grobbelar has just been found guilty of throwing matches & faces a hefty legal bill,it reminds me of your post on John Lennon when u said that u don't have heroes anymore ,it's no surprise when blokes like Grobbelar let down all the people that supported them.As far as I'm concerned anyone that chucks a game should be f@cking horse whipped they're the lowest sort of mongrel that u can come accross,hopefully Brucy will go bust now with all his legal bills & court costs.
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London Dave
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Post by London Dave »

Agree with your calls on Bruce Dipper. I was actually bloody suprised he won the initial case against the Sun. (but OJ got off too!)
A point to remember about how much cash sports stars trouser, if theydo get paid a fair wack (and lets remember, they are the ones who generate the all cash), there is less likelihood of them being paid to take a dive (or not in bruce's case it seems).

Bummer about Newcastle though, cant stand those Brummies!

Post by jeff#brutus »

Newcastle who...????

Shite,Shite, Bloody Shite!! Here Comes Collingwood To Kick Your Arse Forever Black And White!!...SHITE...
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Post by DIPPER »

You dissappoint me Joffa I didn't think that you were one of those fair weather supporters i thought you'd be there through thick & thin shouting you're support just shows how u can misjudge people-perhaps you should start barracking for Man U -LOL

Post by jeff#brutus »

Im just a heartbroken magpie dipper

'They aint heavy there my magpies'

For ever and ever a magpie

Go newcastle united allways.

Shite,Shite, Bloody Shite!! Here Comes Collingwood To Kick Your Arse Forever Black And White!!...SHITE...
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Greg J
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Post by Greg J »

Well Dipper it is obvious you have been accepted on this BB. Calling one of us a "fair weather" supporter, and not getting howled down indicates some degree of acceptance (even if it was about the Magpies soccer team).

You are from out of town, so I better fill you in on one of "beliefs".

Once you reach a concious age and declare yourself for the Magpie's, your name gets written in a little black book upstairs and it never gets rubbed out.

Even if your team makes it three grand finals in a row, and losses them all.
Even if your team gets overhauled in the premiership tally, and lesser mortals, supporting the teams that overhauled you beloved Magpies, start taunting you (in school or the officr or both).
Even if it gets so bad, that you think that coming 15th was a step in the right direction.
Even if one of your favourite sons gets the boot (I luved ya Sav).
And even if they get knocked out of the race for everything and have nothing left in the season to play for, except next season, your name still stays in the book.

People like Joffa, do not have to make a public statement saying how much they are hurt but a Magpies loss, we know they are hurting. In fact their silence indicates just how deep they felt it. Joffa is not famous for being Joffa, he is famous for being a Magpie supporter.

If you where ever introduced to Joffa by a third person in this town (and he just happens not to be wearing any black and white) it would go something like's "This is me mate Joffa, he barracks for the 'Pies.". The terms Joffa and Magpies are synonymous.

The same Mackem (Sunderland supporter, ex Sunderland local) came up to me for the past two weeks and asked me what me mate had to say now (first week Sunderland grabbed 2nd place in the premiership, next week they stayed alive in the Cup and we didn't). He has not even met Joffa but wants to relish in Joffa's pain and anguish when the Magpies are being outdone by the Mackems (it seems to be some sort of Collingwood vs Carlton thing).

Anyway I assured him that I would introduce Joffa at the next Collingwood and North game. He laughed nervously and started talking about sales tax, or GST (that's our VAT man to you Dipper).

So when you gonna come over Dipper? Most games are not even reserved seats over here. No barbed wire separating the fans, you actually just grab whatever seat you want, even in the middle of a bunch of opposition supporters. And no need to be escorted straight to the train station, by the police, after the game. You can duck into the Cricketers and try and outsing the opposition supporters whether you win or loss.

We play the Hawks first up yet again, come and get a suntan at the same time as watching a game of footy.

Post by AlfAndrews »

Hi, Dipper. Hope the weather's nice up there. I'd gladly swap places at the moment. Melbourne summers are friggin horrible ... and we haven't even got to February yet.

I noticed some grizzling on the Liverpool site after this week's goal-less draw with Middlesborough. I read a report from one fan who seemed to think that very few of the Liverpool players were trying. Now, that's a pretty strong accusation ... and it's probably not true, but ...

Yeah, the Grobelaar case. Nasty business.

But I've often had my doubts about sporting stars and their degree of fair-dinkumness. We all know jockeys pull horses up ... so why would footballers, cricketers, tennis players be any different.

Of course, the more you pay them the less inclined they'd be to play for the bookies ... but you never know. I've known people who were quite capable of making an honest buck, but would go for the dishonest buck every time ... even though they could have made more bucks by being honest. Some people are like that.

Anyway. Have a cool time.

And hi, London Dave. Haven't had many witty exchanges with you lately. Actually this site's been very quiet of late, but I think it's starting to warm up again. Must be because the footy season's getting close. It's pre-season optimism time. All these poor deluded people who think we can give the premiership a big shake this year ... just like me this time last year.

**floreat pica**

Post by jeff#brutus »

2.31am Alf having sleeping probs are we?
I've just completed 4 hours sleep gee wont i be a barrel of thucking laughs come this afternoon.
Greg j,I think dipper was just bein dipper cause we have been slingin the ole dog shit at one another all football premiership season,infact his after the match posts have been most fascinating,and thats when he can be bothered in sharing these most sort after experiences.
And yes where are you london'millwall'davo,no doubt he's prob having a cuppa with the queen she is prob millwall as well,i can just see em both pissed singin that millwall song 'no one loves us or whatever they call it?

Shite,Shite, Bloody Shite!! Here Comes Collingwood To Kick Your Arse Forever Black And White!!...SHITE...
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Post by DIPPER »

Hey Greg

Thanks for putting me straight but you know I've built up a lot of respect for Collingwood & it's supporters over the last few months & I kinda see it as my 2nd club over there,when I read on Bigfooty how so many supporters of other clubs take delight in Collingwood's misfortune obviously because of your illiustrious past I respect the way you all stay hang in there waiting for the good times to return which they surely will.
As for calling Joffa 'fair weather' it's pretty obvious that's the last thing he is,it's just that he's been a bit quiet on here lately & I wanted to see what he was thinking,it was just a gentle bit of teasing & I think he knows that,we like to have a little stir on here but nothing too serious.And Joffa I must apologise if I haven't been providing you with enough 'after the match posts',I will have to make more effort the trouble is with Arsenal just drifting in the league & the Champions League still on a break I've not been very excited by the football at the moment.
Greg thanks for saying that I must have been accepted & I would love to come over for the 1st game of the season but I don't think my financial situation would allow it but the thought of going to a game & then having a few coldies at the Cricketers & a bit of a sing song sure is appealing for the future,I must correct u on 1 thing though they've got rid of the barbed wire over here & usually u don't see too many old bill at the games any more,the English football supporter is becoming a bit more refined & a bit more middle class-LOL.
Hey Alf the weather certainly isn't nice up here at the moment,it's cold, wet & windy & today my 1993 Ashes tour umbrella was just killed by a gust of wind ending up with me standing in the street shouting oaths at our Lord above & then getting soaked so if u still wanna swap then let's do it but i think u must be mad if u'd swap any aussie summer for an english winter(f@ck it I wouldn't even swap an Aussie winter for an English summer!)
RE Liverpool-you know they seem to be playing quite well at the moment but they seem to be building up a huge squad of players of similar ability & I don't think that morale is that great at the moment a lot of them seem to be pissed off at sitting on the bench(Owen,Fowler)& in my opinion they r building up trouble for the future with this policy,if u look at Man U they have 12/13 top class players & the reserve players although very talented tend to be young,hungry & not big name players so it is easier to keep them happy when they're not starting games,but check out the gut Litmanen they(Liverpool) got him on a free from Barcelona but if he's anything like the player he was at Ajax he could take the Premiership by storm as he was a champion player there in a champion side.

PS-Joffa,a superb display from Newcastle against Leeds at the weekend to win 3-1 there is agreat result but to do it missing 5 first team regulars is awesome & shows a bit of backbone,the new young guy they've got up front is only 19 but looks like he's got something about him I think his name is Amoebi his parents r from Nigeria but apparently he is Geordie through & through.So things r picking up for the Geordies & I think this was always going to be a season for building.

[This message has been edited by DIPPER (edited 24 January 2001).]

Post by jeff#brutus »

Another good read rip.

Shite,Shite, Bloody Shite!! Here Comes Collingwood To Kick Your Arse Forever Black And White!!...SHITE...
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Greg J
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Post by Greg J »

I understand Dipper. Hope you understand I just wanted to tell the "little balck book" story.

As for the weather, we in Melbourne are doing okay, considering Adeliade is going for 15 straight days of 35+.
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Post by DIPPER »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Geez Dipper you're starting to give Arsenal supporters a good name with some of your posts and it's frightening and confusing me.
Hey WKB where have you been I thought you'd gone into hiding,don't get too confused I can always find some abuse to dish out for a Tottscum supporter-by the way did you know that 'Spurs always win a trophy whem the year ends in 1'?Yes this piece of trivia has now passed into Tottenham folklore,it was immortalised in their 1981 FA Cup final song which was sung by those talented performers Chaz & Dave (Alf will have heard of them no doubt),but apparently there is some truth to it 1991-FA cup winners,1981-FA cup winners,1971-League Cup winners ,1961-League&FA Cup double winners, 1951-League Champions,1921-FA Cup Winners,1901-FA Cup Winners so get a few AUS$s on them for the FA Cup this year,Dippers all ready had a punt on them to win the title of 'Pussies of the year'.....but hang on don't they win that one every year?-hehehehe LOL
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Post by SS11 »

amazing...opposition soccer fans actually bein nice to one another- theres a first!! lol


Post by jeff#brutus »

IT SUCKS......

There is nothing in life greater, than to be a supporter of our beloved collingwood football club,we must remain united,we must stand tall,we must be prepared to fight for our glorious black and white for we are the ENVY OF ALL NATIONS.
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