ha ha ha man-ure united

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ha ha ha man-ure united

Post by jeff#brutus »

<FONT face="Comic Sans MS"><FONT size="6"><FONT COLOR="Red">HA HA HA LOSERS YOU MAN-URE SCUM.</FONT c></FONT s></FONT f>

There is nothing in life greater, than to be a supporter of our beloved collingwood football club,we must remain united,we must stand tall,we must be prepared to fight for our glorious black and white for we are the ENVY OF ALL NATIONS.
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Post by DIPPER »

Yeh man this result has cheered everyone up especially those still left in the Cup,but what the f@ck was that arrogant froggy tosser Barthez doing?I've never seen anything like it,for those who haven't seen it DiCanio sprung the Man U offside trap to be 1 on 1 with the goalie so rather than come out to meet him & narrow down the angle & all that shit Barthez just stands there with his arm in the air indicating that DiCanio is offside & offering DiCanio 3/4 of his goal to which DiCan obliges & just tucks his shot past the prick.Then Barthez spends the rest of the game leaving his goal & ending up in West Ham's half trying to help get the equaliser,if I'd been one of his team-mates I'm sure I would have kicked his French Arse right back over the channel.
The tie of the next round is Arsenal v Chelsea which is gonna be a tough one for both sides although Arsenal r back on a bit of form with a nice 6-0 thrashing away to QPR.Liverpool won 2-0 away to Leeds who r now right in the shit considering all the money that they have spent,I'm sure it's because they've got too many Aussies at the club(LOL) as we all know that Aussies can't play football (not with a round ball anyway-hehehehe).There were nearly a couple of 'giant killings' but Bristol City managed a last minute equaliser against non-league Kingstonian & Charlton beat non-league Dagenham & Redbridge in extra time of their replay.
For those who like a bit of argy bargy there was some crowd trouble at Maine Road when the Coventry fans attacked the Man City fans behind one of the goals when City scored-it was the 1st bit of trouble inside a ground for ages.

Post by jeff#brutus »


There is nothing in life greater, than to be a supporter of our beloved collingwood football club,we must remain united,we must stand tall,we must be prepared to fight for our glorious black and white for we are the ENVY OF ALL NATIONS.
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Post by Seth »

Joffa I've been holding back but I think you may forget that there are actuallly, 'dogs, jacks, coppers, heroes with batons' as you say that actually contribute to this site. And yes most of them have a set of balls probably a darn sight bigger than yours especially in England and I dare say in over here too. I know I'll be copping it over this but really mate, you say a lot of intelligent things about the Pies so stick to that.
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Post by DIPPER »

Excuse my pommie ignorance but what are 'Jacks'?& Seth I don't believe that any dogs contribute to this particular site(except on the Chicks Channel)I think they all barrack for the Western Bulldogs(shit I'm so funny I make myself laugh-hehehe)

WKB you're right about Arsenal/Chelsea but I don't know why you're worried mate I've already told u when the year ends in 1 it means Tottenham r gonna win something-although let's hope its just the chuck raffle this year!by the way I keep meaning to ask but who is KENT BUTCHER & where did he go?

Post by rash »


Kent Butcher was a Collingwood player in the 90's who I thought was resonable player. I remember him taking a great mark against St Kilda when Browny was getting smacked in the head by Rod Keogh and play was waved on by the ump. Most of the players jumped in and there was a good smack on. Somebody picked up the ball and kicked it into the forward pocket and Butcher leapt into the air as a St Kilda player was running at him. He was flipped over in mid air and landed on his head. Tarks reminds me of him a bit.

He was traded to Sydney and did his Knee in pre-season. I have not heard of him since.
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Greg J
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Post by Greg J »

Dipper, besides being called a rock spider, being called a dog is about the worst insult that can be made to an Australian male.

A Dog is Australian for a police informer.
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Post by Seth »

No Dipper, what Joffa is referring to as Jacks, dogs etc is the cops. Being called a jack is fine but in my experience a person who calls me a 'jack' is somene who has been around the streets a bit with a bit a REAL criminal form not some moron who may get kicked out of a footy match for swearing and now has an axe to grind. And Joffa or anyone else out there I have been around and come up against some good crooks who I believe have earned the right to call the coppers 'jacks'. Sorry mate, again I say you all have intelligent things to say about Collingwood and I fully admire that as I have said but I take it personally when you attack my profession without a right of reply. I do think it takes a lot of balls to go into a crowd or brawl to try and calm a situation knowing full well you could get your arse kicked into next week. This site is for Collingwood, not to publicly sledge certain occupations or people. Thank you. No more will be said I hope.

Go Pies!!
magpie jeff

Post by magpie jeff »


Come on mate,on here your a collingwood bro we are all equal
i come from the old school where the only good jack was the one that couldn't find you,and i reckon you buggers do a bloody good job,your community is no different to ours there a good coppers and there are some nasty bastards 'and you would be aware of this seth'.There are 'no danger flags over my head seth'the school i was bought up in believed and still does and that is, you dont ever touch a copper'ever'With the shit you guys have gotta deal with today'im suprised you got a little defensive about me calling you a dog,or a jack.But i have a problem with batton wielding cops.We'll have to have a beer before a footy game this year i hold no grudges cause your a copper shit you cant be half bloody bad, cause your a magpie'you beauty'.And seth you can get on here and slag all the crooks you want, cause it aint goin to bother me,but mate if i go baggin you guys dont take it personally.
Lets have that beer, get back mate,

There is nothing in life greater, than to be a supporter of our beloved collingwood football club,we must remain united,we must stand tall,we must be prepared to fight for our glorious black and white for we are the ENVY OF ALL NATIONS.

Post by eMmA »

Thanks for the speech Constable Seth....nah on a serious note i mean c'mon seth your a COPPER and you sound like you've been one for a while so you should be used to people callin you a dog and names like that!!!

My 10 year old brother and cousin were forced by the copper to say that they lit a garbage bin at a nearby school on fire when they didnt and when they honestly told him they didnt the cops then grabbed them and pinned them up against the wall and made em force to say they did!!! now seth...IS THAT WHAT U CALL A GOOD COP??? chucking 10 year olds against the wall!!!

and dont go callin people morons cause on here we r all collingwood people and are as equal as each other!!!

Some of the cops that i have come across are really nice people but others....they think they have the right to show no respect what so ever to anyone and they think that cause they can treat people however they like...well sorry it doesnt work!!!

lol...oh and hows the ceiling at St.kilda cop shop???!!!

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Post by Seth »

Joffa I thank you for your reply. As soon as I posted it I thought what the hell am I doing here. Anyway I will take you up on that beer in the social club before a game when myself and a number of other 'jacks' who are as one eyed as me will be mingling amongst the humans. Emma I do agree there are good and bad apples and I guess what I am saying is please don't tarnish us all with the same brush. Anyway enough of this crap. Bring on the footy and the Pies. Oh and yes the roofs at St Kilda cop shop are now very clear and I should know as I am very close to it.
By the way Chipper has a brother in the job who I know quite well girls. I believe he will be getting me and fully signed club jumper so I can hang it on my wall at home.
magpie jeff

Post by magpie jeff »

Seth anytime mate.stuff the social club crap, anytime the maggies
are at the MCG come over to the cricketers out to the beer garden
and you will be most welcome,you will here us dont worry!!
Before the game that is,the last couple of seasons there's been nothin to celebrate after the game,but i really believe this year is goin to be so different.

There is nothing in life greater, than to be a supporter of our beloved collingwood football club,we must remain united,we must stand tall,we must be prepared to fight for our glorious black and white for we are the ENVY OF ALL NATIONS.
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