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Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 12:25 am
by Piesnchess
I see Dons fans booed Saad loudly last night, so its not uncommon to boo former players, of ones team. Not my cuppa tea too boo, but it is what it is.

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 3:11 am
by Marvelos
Why would anyone boo him? Wasn’t his choice to leave.

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 7:58 am
by jonmac1954
Marvelos wrote:Why would anyone boo him? Wasn’t his choice to leave.

Collingwood stuffed up royally in his contract but if he really wanted to stay it was only a matter of negotiating a pay cut.

Simple if your heart is truly with the club.

Didn't want to accept a penny less so . . .

No big loss.

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 9:13 am
by Pies4shaw
^ As a matter of interest, how many times in your career have you voluntarily cut your own pay by 30%?

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 9:54 am
by jonmac1954
Pies4shaw wrote:^ As a matter of interest, how many times in your career have you voluntarily cut your own pay by 30%?
In fact as a sub-contractor that was regularly on the table.

AND bye the bye . . .

HIS choice - he and his manager backed the club into a corner.

Then when Wrighty said we can no longer afford you . . . goodbye . . .

He moans he didn't want to leave . . .

A case of wanting the cake and eating it too.

I won't boo him but he made his bed . . .

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 1:01 pm
by qldmagpie67
I think we really need to put this in context
I’m no Grundy fan never have been
Always thought he was a good player but his essential craft as a ruckman wasn’t his strong suit
But the contract wasn’t his fault
His manager is paid to extract every penny they can for their client
That’s there job
The clubs responsibility is to not pay overs for any player no matter who they are
We failed in our job simple
Who is to blame you ask ?
Well it’s simple it was Eddie
I admired Eddie for everything he did for the club but this was purely a ego driven thing
Media was adamant Grundy was heading back to SA and didn’t want to stay
Eddie made public comment via his radio programs saying Grundy would be at Collingwood end of story
Buckley is on public record saying once the price surpassed the $700k mark he was removed from negotiations but said he thought that the ceiling for Grundy was $800k
Eddie got involved and paid the figures touted by the media (which where never offered by either SA club only requested by his manager)
I have it on very good authority both SA clubs topped out at $750k and 5 years
This was purely ego driven
Grundy was within his rights to expect to be paid every penny from a contract he signed no doubt
But the club was equally within their right to trade him as they didn’t see the value in him at that price
His value to the team didn’t equate to the value on his contract simple as that
He’s no longer on our list
I wish him no harm nor any bad luck
I’ve watched him this year and our rucks are giving our players as good as service as they’ve had for years previously

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 1:36 pm
by burnsy17
What difference does his contract make?? Who gives a shit what he was getting paid…. That’s not why I’ll boo him.

He played for us, now he’s the opposition.

He’s going to cop it.

I can’t wait. It’ll be a pisser!

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 2:42 pm
by Magpietothemax
I remember Travis Cloke's first game as a Bulldog against us. I remember being devastated watching him run around in a Dogs' uniform against us.
He kicked a goal, but when he did so, he didn't really celebrate. I still remember seeing him, celebrate with a few other Dogs players, but in a very muted way.
Western Bulldogs defeated us in that game, and after the game the TV crew went into the Dogs' rooms. Cloke was sitting on the floor, back against the wall, and looked to have tears in his eyes.
I remember feeling devastated at the scene as well.
I would never have booed Travis Cloke playing against us. He was Collingwood through and through even when camoflauged in the Dogs' colours.
I don't feel quite the same way about Brodie, most likely because he doesn't have the same long relationship as did Cloke. But Brodie, like Travis, was forced out against his will.
The extravagant contract that he won was the product of poor negotiating by our admin in relation to Grundy's agent. Blaming a player for not offering to cut his own salary is idiotic and hypocritical. We will never know now, but had we imposed a ceiling such as 800k perhaps Grundy would have stayed. His determination to return to Adelaide was media speculation.
So no, will never boo Grundy. Hope that today he does not play brilliantly though.

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 3:32 pm
Booing loud & proud.

Greedy POS!

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 5:48 pm
by Pies4shaw
Fairly quiet in this thread, now. Let's hope he doesn't destroy us in the Grand Final like he has today.

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:12 pm
by Piesnchess
Pies4shaw wrote:Fairly quiet in this thread, now. Let's hope he doesn't destroy us in the Grand Final like he has today.

We will have six of our stars back next time, be a very very different outcome and match then, make NO mistake, he got his revenge so its out of his system, next time will be very bloody different for him and his Toffs team. :o

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:21 pm
by Pies4shaw
Did he? Didn't even look to me like he was even trying.

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:22 pm
I never wanted him to leave, I wanted us to keep him as I knew it was gonna fkn bite us on the ass big time.
Our loss is their gain, they’re the ones laughing right now & to add salt in the wound, we’re paying part of his salary to kick goals, one that actually won them the game.

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:28 pm
by Piesnchess
ANNODAM wrote:I never wanted him to leave, I wanted us to keep him as I knew it was gonna fkn bite us on the ass big time.
Our loss is their gain, they’re the ones laughing right now & to add salt in the wound, we’re paying part of his salary to kick goals, one that actually won them the game.

IF he had stayed, we would not have got Bobby Hill, Mitchell and Mcstay,freed up our salary cap, they have been great for us, Grundy plays one good game in four, always has. :o

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:38 pm
by Pies4shaw
^Except when he was all-Australian, twice, won 2 Copelands and was named Herald-Sun player of the year. There's no need to talk actual shit.