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Post by sam. »

5150 wrote:
sam. wrote:well, they werent together-together, but they were still hanging out. i knew that - every one knew that.
they actually got back together for a bit after him and i were done.
she was the one who came back to me, apologizing etc etc.

i saw him for the first time about 4 years about 6 months ago. he served me and a key-cutting place, where i didnt even know he worked. awkward. i got a discount though! haha.
Jackpot! half priced key cutting and watch batteries... throw in some of that fancy shoe polish as well :lol:
i dont get it.. :(
(and this will probably post twice - my stupid work computer always does it)
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Post by Peter Griffin »

5150 wrote:
Peter Griffin wrote:A year? Is that all? I did it too but she hasn't spoken to me since, I think that was in about 2004ish. I saw her at the shops once and she tried to give me a dirty look, that's about the extent of our interaction. Although my actions were pretty bad I think it's a little melodromatic to go that far, expecially if she was seeing someone else by then. Sometimes I think people watch too much TV.
How does one "try" to give someone a dirty look?
With great difficulty! You know.. Those people who make an attempt but wind up looking constipated instead?
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Post by mel_kay39 »

it's incredibly hard to narrow your eyes sufficiently without pursing your lips as well. Hence the constipated look. But 2004 - man, she should be over it by now! I had the same thing done to me by a friend - she got it on with my ex-boyfriend about a month after we split up but I never held it against her. As far as I was concerned, I was done with him. Some people just need drama in their lives so they bring up old wounds just to stew, I think.

I know it's been over-cooked in the media, but does anyone think the reaction to Aker's article was totally over-the-top? He was just voicing his opinion, but apparently, you're not allowed to have one unless it concurs iwth the moral majority. This is my question, btw...
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Post by Peter Griffin »

I would have answered your question the same way you did. I think it's a storm in a teacup. If he had've said players SHOULD come out, no one would have batted an eyelid despite the fact that sexuality has not a single thing to do with the game of football. Or any sport for that matter. It is becoming clearer and clearer lately that freedom of speech is only acceptable for the PC brigade because apparently they aren't offending anyone. Their restrictive stance on alternate theories, ideas or opinions highly offends me. This story has only reinforced the idea that only the politically correct are allowed to have any kind of freedom (except freedom of thought obviously, the stupid sheep - sorry I'm very anti-PC).

Do you think ugg boots are fashionable or not? I've argued many a time with people about this (especially Americans)! Just want a few new opinions..
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Post by mel_kay39 »

Personally, I don't mind ugg boots on a cold day or night with jeans and a wool lined parka, but as a fashion statement alongside a mini skirt and mountains of cleavage ala Pamela Anderson, JUST SAY NO!!
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Post by Wrangler »

Uggs are fashionable with trackies on the way to safeway on a midnight ice cream run... end of story =)

What is the meaning of life? ok.. right JOKING!

If you had to choose to go back to one of these times in your life... which would it be...

1. Your high school graduation where you finally got the guts to pash the guy you've been crushing on all your life... and he doesn't even know your name

2. A dirty nightclub in the middle of the city, you're drunk as a skunk and land face first on your fave Pies players black shiny shoes...
****Now i've never had a type 'cause i know what i like some variety now and then... Bad Boys, Good Guys, Tattoo's, Black Ties... Always up for anything!****
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Post by mel_kay39 »

I'd say 1. graduation cos if I tripped and landed on Jolly's shoes he'd likely laugh at me and I'd get no smoochies out of it. At least i'd have half a shot at the bloke I was crushing on in Year 12. He was a really hot Italian guy - and a nice person as well!

PS. If I was drunk as a skunk I'd likely throw up on Jolly's shoes. Not a good look...
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Post by mel_kay39 »

Am I on Candid Camera?!


Next question: if the Pies made the Grannie, what should be on the banner?!
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Post by Wrangler »

Knock 'em down
Roll 'em Around
C'mon Team
Let's WORK!

bahahahaha JOKES!

**And Maxys Bitch... Go in for a pash... why not? Though the BF wouldn't be happy about it... Hmmmmm or I could go... Oh i'm So sorry, don't you know who this is? (and point to the boyfriend!)


You're on a desert island, which would you rather... matches or a lilo?
****Now i've never had a type 'cause i know what i like some variety now and then... Bad Boys, Good Guys, Tattoo's, Black Ties... Always up for anything!****
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Post by BlackAndWhiteSince87 »

Matches because I've got enough fat that a lilo for padding wouldn't be much use lol

Next question: Has Shane Crawford's walk been flogged to death on TFS?
Peter Griffin
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Post by Peter Griffin »

Aker.. Cos I think we could have an interesting and heated debate the whole way.

Would you rather be a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond?
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Post by Wrangler »

hmmmmmm Small Fish in a Big Pond... Leaves Plenty of Choices

Sunkist or Solo?
****Now i've never had a type 'cause i know what i like some variety now and then... Bad Boys, Good Guys, Tattoo's, Black Ties... Always up for anything!****
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Post by Peter Griffin »


Vegemite or Jam?
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Post by Wrangler »


Summer or Winter?
****Now i've never had a type 'cause i know what i like some variety now and then... Bad Boys, Good Guys, Tattoo's, Black Ties... Always up for anything!****
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Post by mel_kay39 »

Autumn. Practically the same weather as spring but no hay fever. Plus I like it when the leaves turn brown, gold and red. It's pretty.

Next question,

Does anyone know anyone who watches that show Burn Notice?! I've never, ever met anyone who watches it! (not that I actually go around asking random strangers if they watch it, but you know what I mean. If I get talking about TV it's usually one of the questions I ask, cos frankly, it puzzles me).
A Pie for Life.
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