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Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 5:31 pm
by RudeBoy
None of us know the ins and outs of Grundy's situation. We don't know why he apparently wants to go to another club, and whether he has been encouraged by us to seek another club. There are so many questions around salary cap space, player needs, player relationships, Grundy's head space, his relationship with Fly etc, that any opinion any of us on Nicks has on the subject is pure speculation. At the end of the day I trust Wright to do what is best for our club.

Let's just all wait and see what transpires.

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 6:43 pm
by Piesnchess
mattdally wrote:From a salary cap point of view it makes perfect sense.
Treloar was on $900,000 for the next 5 years - get rid of $600k
Grundy - $1m for next 5 years - get rid of $700k

That's $1,3m additional space.
Bring in kids or mid season picks and they are on $100k as opposed to $400k.

It's all about balancing the books.
Our issue is not the money we're paying other clubs, it's the fact we have overpaid for Grundy, Treloar, Stephenson (was on $500k), Phillips ($600k) and Beams ($600k that we are paying in this the final year).

How come Geebung never worry about having to "balance the books"?? Oh but I forgot, the handbaggers dont have a salary cap do they, they just cook the books and get away with it constantly. Silly me, I should have realised that pertinent fact. Its only us that cop all the shit on that front. :o :P

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 6:46 pm
by Pies4shaw
^ I'm not interested in speculating on the unknowns - but the stupidity of the proposal that is being hawked about is obvious. Unless Grundy announces that he wants to become a landscape artist, there is no sane deal to be done that involves trading him out, paying a third of his salary and recruiting a good-ordinary player with the salary we "save". The reason it is a stupid suggestion is because the numbers don't work. I'm content to see what the Club does - but the idea that we need to conduct a fire-sale to rid ourselves of Grundy and replace him with a player half (being generous) as good for the same effective outlay smells like snake-oil to me.

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 6:52 pm
by Mr Miyagi
Pies4shaw, I agree 100%. It’s just crazy

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 7:10 pm
by eddiesmith
Maybe he is being forced out because the club, players and coach want to win a premiership and he’s not willing to do the hard work to do it? He has already said a premiership isn’t important.

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 7:14 pm
by Haff
Piesnchess wrote: How come Geebung never worry about having to "balance the books"?? Oh but I forgot, the handbaggers dont have a salary cap do they, they just cook the books and get away with it constantly. Silly me, I should have realised that pertinent fact. Its only us that cop all the shit on that front. :o :P
I did hear Hawkins is only on like 300k or something… culture wins I guess.

I’ll just be happy with the money of the books and hopefully WCE’s pick 2!

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 8:26 pm
by Pies4shaw
^ Yes, except that, as I said, you won't have "the money off the books" - the Club will be paying the same money for an inferior player, if the reported deal is seriously the one Collingwood is proposing to do.

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 8:27 pm
by Pies4shaw
eddiesmith wrote:Maybe he is being forced out because the club, players and coach want to win a premiership and he’s not willing to do the hard work to do it? He has already said a premiership isn’t important.
Perhaps he is. Anything is possible. But you'd have no damn idea - you're just trolling.

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 8:51 pm
by Wonka
think positive wrote:
swooper wrote:Ok so I havent been keeping a very close eye on the Grundy situation...but do we know WHY he wants to leave/ (if this is the case ...).
I thought that perhaps he wanted to go back to SA but if he gets traded to a Melbourne club...?
I just don't get why he would want to leave when only great things are happening at the Club now ..and possibly in the future.
Unless of course I am missing something here :D
totally agree with you,

im sure i read somewhere he wants to stay in Melbourne, so said no to the Adelaide clubs.

scared of hard work? doesnt want to play anymore? doesnt like some one? gees of the teams he is looking at none come close to the upside of staying where he is. a team flying upwards, 2 aging teams that cant live forever, and one has internal issues.
Grundy does want to stay in Melbourne, so that has ruled out Port Adelaide and Greater Western Sydney, but media reports keep claiming he wants to stay at Collingwood and it is Collingwood who wants to move him on, which contradicts the private intel of someone posting here that he wants to leave.

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 9:23 pm
by RudeBoy
If what you say is true Wonka, then we can only assume that our club believes paying a million a year for the next 5 years for his services, is not value for money.

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 10:19 pm
by qldmagpie67
There’s so much speculation around this it’s ridiculous really
2 simple facts remain
1. The club could have stopped it all by saying Grundy isn’t available under any circumstances
2. Grundy could have come out and publicly said I’m not going anywhere under any circumstances

Neither has happened so one must assume both parties want this relationship over and it’s just the nuts and bolts
End of the day HES a contracted player and we don’t have to trade him secondly he has a valid contract with Collingwood and is rightly expecting it to be honoured
Time will tell what happens

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2022 12:16 am
by Piesnchess
RudeBoy wrote:If what you say is true Wonka, then we can only assume that our club believes paying a million a year for the next 5 years for his services, is not value for money.

If he helps to get us a Premiership it is, for us. Id utterly loathe to see him help the Toffs to another flag, I can tell you that for sure. Keep him, we are selling him far too short, as pies4shaw says, to end up with a player only half as good as he is. Its bloody madness, all this, he leaves, what if Cox goes down next season, out for weeks, all we have is Darcy, and a kid who got smashed in his games in the ruck this season, Begg is not ready. Its just utter madness to even consider this so called deal. Keep him. :roll: :idea:

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2022 12:16 am
by Pies4shaw
RudeBoy wrote:If what you say is true Wonka, then we can only assume that our club believes paying a million a year for the next 5 years for his services, is not value for money.
So, they'll pay $300K of his $900K to $950K salary for him to play for another club and we'll bring in a spud like McStay on $580K? That's what's being reported. How is it a net benefit to Collingwood to trade out a twice all-Australian, dual Copeland Trophy winner and replace him - at the very same outlay - with a guy who may not be good enough to hold down a place in the team?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2022 7:23 am
by Cam
Grundy will take a 100k to 150k paycut and this will be turn out to be 48+ pages of nothing.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2022 7:41 am
by nomadjack
eddiesmith wrote:Maybe he is being forced out because the club, players and coach want to win a premiership and he’s not willing to do the hard work to do it? He has already said a premiership isn’t important.
Care to point us towards the quote where he has actually said that?