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Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 4:54 pm
by Ronnie McKeowns boots
MAY-Z wrote:
nomadjack wrote:
eddiesmith wrote:You are right, it’s not always about financial motivation, most professional athletes want to achieve the ultimate goal whether that’s a premiership or an Olympic medal. Grundy has said that doesn’t motivate him.
That's not what he said at all. You're being disengenous and misrepresenting what he said which is how you usually operate. He said he wouldn't be defined solely by his football career which is entirely different. Give the lying a rest. You can make a clear case for moving him on without the juvenile character assassination.
you don't need to listen word for word what he said, you can judge his motivations based on the contract he signed

Collingwood didn't come to him and say here is 7 year 7 million dollar contract, and he signed it on the spot.

There was a prolonged period of him driving the price to which he would consider signing up and up, knowing full well that in a salary cap environment every dollar you increase your pay decreases the ability to pay or recruit others,and thus reduce the chances of playing in a premiership
Don't talk sense to the Grundy sycophants May-Z, they will just assassinate your character. Seriously this bloke has become the new Buckley, can't talk sense about his contract or his recent form without a jihad getting waged against you

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 4:57 pm
by Ronnie McKeowns boots
nomadjack wrote:Jeremy Cameron on equivalent coin to Grundy says hi. I'm not arguing Grundy isn't overpriced, but he's a long way from Robinson Crusoe when it comes to players extracting full value in contract negotiations. To suggest that means players are not motivated by on field team success is ridiculous. Eddie's also got a very short memory. I seem to remember his favorite player dragging out the negotiations in 2012 to get full value for himself. Didn't hear anything about selfish motivations back then despite the salary squeeze and impact it had on contracts for other players such as Ben Reid, Dayne Beams and Tyson Goldsack.
Jeremy Cameron is on a 5 year 900k deal. Don't let facts get in the way of your BS narrative though

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 5:18 pm
by nomadjack
Ronnie McKeowns boots wrote:Jeremy Cameron is on a 5 year 900k deal. Don't let facts get in the way of your BS narrative though
Facts like these:
Jeremy Cameron
Geelong $900,000 - $1 million

Brodie Grundy
$925,000-$1.025 million ... 262b07941f

Talk as much as you like about his contract and form - neither stack up as far as I'm concerned and I'll be quite happy to see him move on if we get a first round pick and the room to bring in a decent mid or key position. Just don't make shit up and question the motives of a guy who has been nothing but professional and invested in the clubs success since he was recruited. Simples really.

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 6:14 pm
by scoobydoo
What he doesn’t understand is he will be defined by the contract he signed.
And it was unprofessional for him to say that. He can think that but don’t say that to your supporters after extracting every cent you could from the club.

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 7:02 pm
by think positive
Yeah I agree

Not a good attitude

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 2:50 pm
by Big T
End of the day u live by the sword, u die by the sword. Grundy held the club to ransom and was overpaid. Now he's worth half of what he is paid and he clearly hasn't handled the pressure of being a highly paid marquee player. Which is what he signed up for with that contract.

We fcked up, now we r cleaning up the mess. Onwards and upwards.

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 2:54 pm
by Johnno75
If Grundy wants to command $1m a season he has to become our Blicavs, otherwise what use is 40-50 hit outs a game.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 4:12 am
by swoop42
I'm finally at peace with the very real likelihood that Grundy has played his final game for Collingwood.

It's a sad ending and would have been an unimaginable outcome at the end of 2019.

Unfortunately for Grundy and the club they are both now paying the price for his lucrative contract.

Grundy because seemingly he would have liked to stay but wont give up any salary he's fairly entitled to. The club because seemingly they'd rather he remain but can't now justify his remuneration in relation to his output and/or position he occupies.

I don't feel any side is really the bad guy here.

Grundy and his manager looked to extract maximum value after successive Copeland and AA seasons. The club blinked first but had Grundy maintained close to that type of form I don't think we would have arrived at this moment.

If he was on $700,000 a season the club most likely would have just gritted it's teeth and hoped he could turn it around after a couple of down years and an injury destroyed 2022 season.

Alas when you negotiate a contract that pays you close to 1 million a season clubs are paying that premium for you to be elite in the position you fill.

Unfortunately his form has fallen away these past few years, he's gone from being our best player and the best ruck in the game (or close enough to) to finishing outside the top 5 in the Copeland and being no more influential a ruck than probably 10 others in the game.

His output didn't represent great value for money in this period and while I'm not discounting he can't return to something resembling his best McRae may believe otherwise or perhaps he just doesn't value the role of a ruck enough to pay that high a salary.

So here we all are, it's time to accept Grundy is gone, move forward and focus our attention on what the trade outcome might be.

Pay $250,000+ a season to facilitate the trade and we should demand a 1st round selection in return IMO.

Pay between $100,000-$200,000 and a 2nd round selection might well be all we are offered.

Pay under $100,000 and we'll probably settle for a 3rd round selection.

Get those outcomes and I'll live with it.

Anything worse however and we're getting royally screwed.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 9:36 am
by MAY-Z
Josh Jenkins summed my feelings up (and a lot of people's on here really)

"Brodie Grundy at $1m plus, I'm not interested in having that at the club, if it was Grundy at 600-700k then I would be happy with him"

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 10:26 am
by WhyPhilWhy?
Maybe Brodie will note what champions who are willing to sacrifice salary for team success have achieved at the Cats?

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 10:58 am
by Mr Miyagi
Feels there’s more to it than just salary. The club has never said anything about salary by the way, this is all media speculating. I’m guessing a bit of that and a bit of not fitting in and a bit of who knows.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 11:05 am
by stui magpie
WhyPhilWhy? wrote:Maybe Brodie will note what champions who are willing to sacrifice salary for team success have achieved at the Cats?
Making note of it is one thing, once a contract has been lodged with the AFL player can't then (as far as I know) renegotiate a cut in salary unless it's to spread the same money out over a longer period.

Say we currently owe him $5m over 5 years. We extend that to $5m over 7 years which would be $714k pa but would mean he would be playing past 35 years old.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 12:00 pm
by WhyPhilWhy?
stui magpie wrote:Making note of it is one thing, once a contract has been lodged with the AFL player can't then (as far as I know) renegotiate a cut in salary...

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 12:30 pm
by watt price tully
stui magpie wrote:
WhyPhilWhy? wrote:Maybe Brodie will note what champions who are willing to sacrifice salary for team success have achieved at the Cats?
Making note of it is one thing, once a contract has been lodged with the AFL player can't then (as far as I know) renegotiate a cut in salary unless it's to spread the same money out over a longer period.

Say we currently owe him $5m over 5 years. We extend that to $5m over 7 years which would be $714k pa but would mean he would be playing past 35 years old.
Righteo then. Keep Grundy and pay him the same total but spread it out over 20 years. Job done.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 2:06 pm
by Piesnchess
Stay or leave, I DO NOT WANT US TO PAY PART OF HIS CONTRACT AT ANOTHER CLUB, TO PLAY AGAINST US, WE PAY HIM, TO PAY AGAIINST US, TO HELP US LOSE ???????? ITS SICK, ITS INSANE, ITS CRAZY, AND ITS NOT ****, NOT NOW, NOT EVER. EVER. If this happens, I will bloody spew, the Treloar crap rears its head again. No way Jose.