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A Bitter Port wants the Pies to Bleed for Stevens.

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 10:47 am
by Dark Lord
Why is Collingwood bothering with dealing with Port Adelaide over Nick Stevens? They have said that they will make it harder for Collingwood to get him, and so far their outlandish and ridiculous requests have proved so.

They want either 2 Draft picks or 1 Draft pick and a player of "equal calibre". They've asked for Didak or Presti. Thank God that Collingwood has said "No!".

Why haven't we simply told Port to get stuffed?

I hope that no deal can be done and Stevens goes in the Draft, so Port gets ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for him!

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 11:04 am
by TheGaffer
Port are just playing tough to show their supporters that they are making a fight out of any deal. Alot of all this is media hype anyway. I think the two clubs have a fairly good relationship outside of all the crap that has been flying around in the papers/tv.

I feel comfortable that Stevens wants to only play for Collingwood and the deal will eventuate just before deathknock on Friday, most probably for our first pick and whatever we get for Scotland.

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 12:30 pm
by Culprit
We won't bleed for Stevens if we get him just like Sydney did not Bleed for Davis. It's all Rhetoric.

All will be done by Friday Afternoon and we will all see.

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 12:49 pm
by GreekLunatic
i got a big feeling by 2 00 pm friday he will be a pie cause i know that the blues wont give up pp2 cause there fans will kill them

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 1:03 pm
by Lone Ranger
If we get him, it will back as a result of Port giving in at 1:55 Friday.

The risk is Port and Choco hate us so much, they might rather let him go into the draft for nothing than take pick 17. The spin for their supporters would be "Port took a stand on principle. In the future, players and other clubs will know that we will not be blackmailed. Players are traded on our terms or not at all"

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 1:06 pm
by JLC
I still think we will get Nick Stevens in exchange for 2 draft picks. Williams will look stupid if he turns down two draft choices for Nick Stevens.


Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 1:56 pm
by The Prototype
Port better what themselves, because if Stevens put himself on the draft, they will lose out on all this. So they might aswell, find a decent deal and do it before Stevens gives up and decides to take his chance on the Draft.