Why is Nicks being infiltrated by opposition tossers!

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Why is Nicks being infiltrated by opposition tossers!

Post by Morrigu »

I know I am suppossed to be tolerant in this pc age - but Nicks is a Collingwood site - why are all these tossers from Edon & Chockers posting here?

Go to your own sites and tell some-one who cares! :evil:
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Post by cooldewd »

Why worry about it?

They provide an alternative rather than the usual back slapping that goes on.

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Post by WhyPhilWhy? »

Same as it ever was....
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Post by MagpieMad »

Why worry about it? well the bandwith for starters, it's suplied by Collingwood supporters for Collingwood supporters, and then the people that put in every day put in for Collingwood supporters not other low lifes.
I only care about the thoughts of Collingwood people, I couldn't give a rats fat about what non Collingwood people have to say, if I did I would visit other boards, I don't so I don't see why I should have to put up with them on this board.
finaly This Board has not ever tolerated these low lifes, and it bloody well never will. It doesn't matter how inteligent or reasonable they are, they are not Collingwood!
the rules clearly guide us in this "intolerance of the support of AFL clubs other than Collingwood is actively encouraged."
they have no place here at all and I think its time a zero tolerance stance was once again adopted.
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Post by freddie foxx »

The only one i know of is jarryd, and he posts good stuff. Ease up.
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Post by spoljar »

I don't mind if they post as I like to get a different perspective on Collingwood. But I hate when they start to get smart and promote their own teams. I don't give a stuff about how Essendon and Port etc etc are going.
They must remember that this is a Collingwood Forum and they must stick to Collingwood issues only.

That's my two cents worth!
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Post by Go_The_Mighty_Magpies »

I don't really mind them as long as they aren't here just to be rude or post crap but I don't see the real need for them to come here, if they want to share veiws with supporters of opposition teams then there are other sites that have been created for just that that really could do with the numbers.
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Post by Daks »

Same here. Jaryd is allowed to post here... i like to hear opposition supporter's point of view. It makes for good reading.
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Post by piedys »

We shall toy with them like a cat toys with a mouse it has cornered.
For if nothing else, we are the masters of mind games here at nicks...
The psychological damage we can collectively inflict on intruders is horrifying...
It's kinda like Hotel California - "...you can log-off any time you like - but you can never leave..." :evil:

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Post by MagpieMad »

oh lets all have a group hug! what a bunch of soft....
if you want to get a different perspective go to friggin bigfooty or one of their sad ass sites!
do you get it??????????????????????
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Post by Cam »

That's what i would have thought too MM. You want balance, go to Bigfooty. I don't want opposition supporters in here gloating or encouraging us. Piss off the trolls. (I don't mind the Boss, but you wouldn't know who he barracks for apart from his avatar.)

If i want to find out stuff i visit other boards and read - not post.
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Post by Johnson#26 »

Its ok unless they cross the line. As soon as they stir the pot, they're gone.
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Post by Zeke »

Cam wrote:You want balance, go to Bigfooty.
If you want balance, Bigfooty is the last place you should go.
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Post by Clemo »

I gotta say that Trolls give me the shits. They can all go to BigFooty. I don't give a RFC on their opinions. Also what really cheezes me off is when the farking Trolls go on our Live Scoreboard. These dimwits flash those "Clap Claps, Hitting Brick Walls and the Shades" during a game. Make it pretty confusing at times on what's going on. Ban the farkers. :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Post by DidakinthePocket »

Hello My Nicks Brethren...

The reason that people from other 'clubs' and i use the term losely, is because they all WANT to be collingwood. They desire to follow the greatest club of all time, they desire to be in the Magpie Army, but, because they support other SCUM teams, they cannot.

Never let them in Magpie brethren. These opposition supporters (if there are such things) should be tared, feathered and then hung by the netherregions from the number one light tower at the MCG.

Piss off back you your own forums. You are not welcome at Collingwood and you will never be. Also piss off anyone who sides with these opposition supporters here on nicks. We are Collingwood and BY GOD we will ALWAYS BE COLLINGWOOD.

Apoligies to Joffa :)
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