Sayonara George

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London Dave
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Sayonara George

Post by London Dave »

WKB, looks like your new owners have given George the old heave ho. No doubt he'll pick up a few zillion in compo, but I can't see it being a good move. Is it time to bring back Christian Gross or Gerry Francis?????
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Post by DIPPER »

Poor old George couldn't have happened to a nicer bloke
The papers over here are pretty sure that it's going to be Hoddle for the job which I assume should please you WKB, & it would be good to see Glenda back at the Lane so we could abuse that gutless prick & his club at the same time-LOL.Still I think Tottenham have currently got the manager that they deserve in David Pleat who is a convicted Kerb crawler-hehehe.

'They claim everyone was born but I don't recall it.Maybe I was having one of my blackouts'-Jim Morrisson
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Post by DIPPER »

Other people mentioned for the post are Vialli, Venables (unlikely ay? & wait for it...........Jurgen the German-yes Herr Klinsmann has been linked on account of the fact that he has just got his coaching accreditation.
Happy hunting Spurs cos your gonna need it

'They claim everyone was born but I don't recall it.Maybe I was having one of my blackouts'-Jim Morrisson
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Post by DIPPER »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>And as for Pleat in the words of the great Homer Simpson "Look he's not guilty because he thought the police officer was a prostitute".


Hehehe-LOL WKB

It's good to see you seem pretty confident & I'm sure things will improve but it's the new owners that you need to worry about as they're definitely just in it for the money & without big outlay the team not going to be challenging for the title in the next couple of years.

'They claim everyone was born but I don't recall it.Maybe I was having one of my blackouts'-Jim Morrisson
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London Dave
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Post by London Dave »

WKB, I've said it before, if Spurs go for a Spurs guy, they are picking a LOSER, and that will make Dip happy!

All this waffle about 'needing a bloke from our club' reminds me of the Pies refusal to have anyone except a Collingwood man for a coach. Where did that get us??? No bloody where. Those days are in the past.

If Hoddle goes there (and lets face it, he's a big enough nut too) I will go out on a limb and say Millwall will be in the premier league before Spurs win it!

Anyhow, thats that off my chest, I will be cheering boys against the Arse, cos I may hate Tottenham, but I hate Arsenal even more (something to do with my brother supporting them I think!)

PS Nice use of Simpsons dialogue!

[This message has been edited by London Dave (edited 21 March 2001).]
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Post by DIPPER »

Hey LD, a mate of mine from Adelaide (he's a Crows fan although he's always going on about the SANFL) is over here & has got into going to watch Luton as this is where his mum was from anyway he went to Millwall v Luton a couple of weeks ago & he said the atmosphere was real nasty he said there were some mad chants one was something about Luton being full of Bangladeshis.After the game he was telling me how the police kept the Luton fans behind & then escorted them to the station & on the way there were groups of Millwall fans lurking in alleys & side streets throwing bottles at them-the funny thing is this hasn't put him off at all he just loves it even more & has become a staunch supporter.I keep trying to tell him how everyone in England really hates Luton because of their antics in the 80's when they had a plastic pitch & banned away fans but he gets this hurt look & can't understnad why people have it in for this little club (personally I've hated them since I went ot the 1988 Littlewood's(League) Cup Final & they beat us 3-2.Anway much against my better judgement he's persuaded me to go to Brentford v Luton with him on Friday night now I haven't been to a game ouside of the top 2 divisions since a 1983 game of Leyton Orient v Tranmere when I was 11, I just hope that the standard has improved a bit since then.
Anway LD in view of there reputation why is it that you support Millwall? are you a clone of Russell Crowe's character in Romper Stomper cos that would explain it-LOL or is it just their scintilating football-LLOL!

Hey WKB if you're such a Simpson's fan then you must remember the one where Bart has to go to Aussie to get kicked up the Arse by the big boot-isn't it lovely to know that that's how Yanks see Aussies it's nearly as bad as when Lisa marries some Hugh Grant clone-you'd think all Pommies were p**ftas from that.
'They claim everyone was born but I don't recall it.Maybe I was having one of my blackouts'-Jim Morrisson

[This message has been edited by DIPPER (edited 23 March 2001).]
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Post by DIPPER »

Yeah WKB I know just the bit you're talking about it cracks me up as well.
I saw the episode the other day where Homer finds the box of some Japanese dish cleaning suds (called 'Mr Snowflake' I think)& it's his face on the front & he starts freaking out to Bart & Lisa-that clip really makes me laugh it's the look of terror on his face.

We should ask Mike to provide a seperate board just to talk about the Simpsons-LOL

'They claim everyone was born but I don't recall it.Maybe I was having one of my blackouts'-Jim Morrisson
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London Dave
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Post by London Dave »

Dipper, why do I follow Millwall?
Briefly, didnt realy have a fave team when I arrived on this isle 6 or 7 years ago. I'd watch the FA Cup final, and the odd match of the day when I was a kid, but thats as far as it went. Starte following Millwall as a couple of blokes I play cricket with here dragged me along to a game, and it was OK for a laugh I s'pose. At one stage we were top or second of Div one. Premier league here we come, and a nice friendly trip to the Arse or White Hart Lane. Traditiional Millwall dive followed. When people asked me who I followed, and Millwall was the reply, they seemed to laugh and change the topic which suited me fine. I only get to 3 or 4 games a year, as I'm not exactly the romper stomper type, although all the Millwall fans I have met are the absolute epitomy of the English gentlemen! Can't imagine how these stories of thuggery and Millwall keep appearing....NOT!

Got a mate who lives next to Brentford ground. I believe its the last ground in the UK with a pub on every corner. Enjoy your night Dip!

WKB, I somehow think both those pints will remain in the barrel!
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Post by DIPPER »

The game was called off due to a waterlogged pitch so I was spared going through it-funny thing is I was looking forward to it at the end.I got p*ssed instead so it was still a good night & I just chewed my mate's ear off asking questions about Hawthorn & Aussie Rules in general-I think he'd more than had enough by 4.30 AM-LOL

PS How many Aussies live in Ladbroke Grove? the place is bloody full of them & most of them seemed to be from Queensland

'They claim everyone was born but I don't recall it.Maybe I was having one of my blackouts'-Jim Morrisson
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Post by Greg J »

Be careful of those Queenslanders (ie. cane toads) the sun up there is so hot that it bakes their brains and sends them tropo.

Greg J
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