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Gun laws in USA??

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Culprit Cancer

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 4:57 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

ISIS is sitting back laughing as the USA implodes. They are killing each other with approval from the top. Trump has no doubt divided society over there and the hatred is digging deep and the nutters who support both sides own guns. Surprise surprise the nutters are killing people with those guns.

All OK, we can offer prayers and thoughts for the dead as we do a Jewish special this week. With each circumcision you get an AR15 and 100 Rounds.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 6:36 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

David wrote:
MJ23 wrote:
David wrote:
MJ23 wrote:
To add, Id argue that if in fact Trump was a driving influence for this nutcase, it would be because Trump is a huge supporter of Israel, has actively supported them in speeches and actions including the US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This was something no other President would do after congress had voted in favour of doing so. Netanyahu called Trump a Great friend of Israel.
To ask why attacks in the US against Israel have increased with Trump presidency ( Not sure they have but ok) Id suggest its because of Trumps support indicating responsibility on the other side of the aisle.

That explanation might make sense in an imaginary, hypothetical world, but it bears no relation to the actual current discourses and tactics of the far right. Trump and his circle of media propagandists (including Fox News, Breitbart, right-wing talk radio and sundry viagra-marketing fake-news sites that take up his talking points + the alt-right social media sphere that mostly sees him as one of their own) have effectively fostered a heightened culture of hysteria around immigration. When they disagree with him, as anti-Semites do on Israel, it's often because he's not going far enough; but that doesn't mean that they don't take his 'caravan' fearmongering on face value and as fact.

MJ23 wrote:
David wrote:
And not challenging or criticising his administration has what effect, exactly?

This is just irrational and exhausting. You seriously cant see what the left and yes right are doing, saying, campaigning on right now. All you see is the equation that suits your narrative. A + B = Trump. This nutcase is more likely to have snapped after the 24-7 coverage of anti Trump rhetoric than the Trump campaigning. Probably should be blaming Lemon and Maddow. Its crap and makes for a good emotional release for those that are quite frankly closed off to any alternate view.

I can fairly safely guarantee you that this shooter (and people like him) does not watch CNN or MSNBC. I can also guarantee you that he probably does read WorldNewsDaily and InfoWars links. Let's get real here: however annoying these smarmy liberal-centrist talking heads may be, they are not radicalising the alt-right; they're just preaching to their own choir.

MJ23 wrote:
There is an economic illegal immigration issue in the US. It is real. There are problems now created by this including the slowing down of Legal immigration of refugees from hate, intolerance and violence. This is not good for anyone. Every country has a right of sovereignty. Just 10 years ago Obama, Clinton, Shcumer said this openly. It is not just Trumps "base" that recognises this. It wasn't Trumps base that got him elected. In fact if the African American vote was not moving away from the Dems they would still be for a closed boarder.

There's no question that there are substantial numbers of illegal immigrants entering the US from year to year, and also no question that Trump has done everything he can to exploit that issue, dogwhistle to people's xenophobic fears and wring political capital from it. One of the most absurdly and blatantly racist things he has done has been to invent the concept of "angel families" (families of people killed by undocumented Latin American migrants). Like most people, I'm mostly desensitised to the stupid things Trump says and does nowadays, but even my jaw dropped when I heard that.

MJ23 wrote:
The left has lost it and Trump is no politician. He gets attacked and he returns serve. You can argue this is not Presidential and Id agree. I wish sometimes he would ignore the 90% negative media coverage and just get on with it. Simply thats not him, it will never be him. Its very un-republican. The Irony is that it is in fact very Democrat and they hate him for it.

I don't understand what you're saying here that Trump is a Democrat, policy-wise? Tax cuts for the big end of town, using transgender people as pawns in a culture war and scaremongering about illegal immigration included? That would be pretty laughable if so, but I'd rather give you the benefit of the doubt here. Perhaps I've misunderstood.

MJ23 wrote:
Oh, and ask yourself why when Obama had a super majority he did nothing to address the gun issue ?

Whether it was complacency or caution the notion that more radical reforms would be possible in a second term, for instance it doesn't seem to be in serious doubt that he wanted to. After the Republicans gained control in 2010, though, the chance was gone, as was the chance of anything much of his domestic agenda getting through. Let's hope the Democrats return the favour this year.

Your arguing for and against yourself.
This sentence works both ways and is no less right or wrong. It just depends on your point of view which the left are incapable of.

"That explanation might make sense in an imaginary, hypothetical world, but it bears no relation to the actual current discourses and tactics of the far Left. Pelosi, Watters and their circle of media propagandists (including CNN, MSNBC, left-wing talk radio and sundry viagra-marketing fake-news sites that take up their talking points + the alt-left social media sphere that mostly sees them as one of their own) have effectively fostered a heightened culture of hysteria around Trump and his views on illegal invasion. When they disagree with him, as anti-Semites do on Israel, it's often because he's too supportive of Israel, something they refuse to do; but that doesn't mean that they don't take his 'caravan' fearmongering on face value and as fact."

You cant "safely guarantee" anything about the shooter especially what he watched or didn't watch. Thats conjecture and not an argument and even if he did watch one channel over another is that true causation at the expense of everything else including his mental health ? "Clinton just said you cannot be civil to a party that wants to destroy what you stand for". Pelosi said " If there is collateral damage for those who dont share out views then so be it"
By your logic Clinton and Pelosi will be the blame if some mentally ill left supporter who hears this then shoots a few republicans at the next baseball match. And if that is not to occur we are what...all good ?

I just cant even go to the rest of it except, MS13 is real and is really killing citizens and non-citizens, the boarder is in fact out of control and voters outside his base agree, Trump acts like a Democrat in the fact that he responds, directly to those that abuse and target him with blunt attacking language - when he is attacked he attacks back !( just like Watters, Booker, Clinton and every dem ever. Seriously, how did you not understand this)
Obama DID NOTHING when in fact he could of done something that he is advocating for then and now. He saw the polls, he knew the mid-terms often go against the incumbent he was weak and the reason Trump is able to undo most of what he has done.

Look, Im not a Trump supporter. In saying that I feel Im starting to become one by reading the vitriol, leap-frogging conclusions and total lack of ideas, debate and ignorance of what the American voters - middle america in particular - are concerned about. They are ignored or worse called a racist for their genuine fears and efforts to communicate what is important to them and why.

Anyway. Just saying what you are saying repeatedly, and how you are saying it is why Trump got elected and if nothing changes before 2020, will get elected again.

This is getting ridiculous youre going to become a Trump supporter because Im being mean to you (by vigorously criticising Trump)? Mate, if you want to support an anti-immigrant, dog-whistling would-be tyrant with a shambolic administration, thats on you. Have enough courage to own your decisions. Say what you like about the left and liberals, but at least you dont generally get this kind of poor me routine from them.

Otherwise, your repurposing of my quote totally misses the point (and doesnt even make sense). Im talking about a very specific media landscape thats peculiar to the US right; you cant just invert this stuff. There is no left (let alone far-left) talk radio to speak of, and while left-wing fake news sites exist, they dont hold nearly the same sort of clout that their right-wing counterparts do (case in point, Trump gave a chummy interview to Alex Jones and cited National Enquirer stories as fact; can you imagine any serious Democrat candidate doing the same for, say, NaturalNews!? But of course, to the right, the real counterparts to these sites are the BBC and New York Times, and what can you say to that...). And even if these things were directly comparable, it still ignores the fact that the notion of Stormfront denizens watching MSNBC and reading The Guardian and getting more and more racist is completely preposterous. Those people have long since left any kind ot mainstream space. Thats why they see Trump as a moderate.

By the way, while I have no idea whether or not Trump will be re-elected, Im pretty sure the best way to stop it isnt to just back off and let him govern or whatever else youre suggesting. Thats precisely what Republicans want people to do. The best response is for people to organise, bring attention to issues and convince the undecideds to turn out to vote for someone else. A crucial first step is for the Democrats to get their shit together and put up a decent candidate with serious, progressive policies this time around.

Geeze you get emotional very quickly and break out the thesaurus which you seem to think makes facts to support your argument. Even throw the mate at me. Talk about Trump rhetoric.

Middle America is seeing a very specific media landscape that was once the mainstream media target, lie and attack Trump and then republicans at every turn. What they did to Kavenaugh was a disgrace and this more than anything else is moving the undecideds towards the Republicans.

Your talking about the far right when CNN, MSNBC, ABC, times, post, Time and even rolling stone FFS attack this bloke, his family and administration personally and at will and DAILY. Why is it that their ratings are so so bad and dont hold a candle to FOX which I will absolutely agree are 90% pro Trump and conservative.

I dont care what obscure far right blog / station you think is controlling the thoughts of all Americans - its just crap. You screaming it out like every liberal does is irrelevant to the voter who also knows its crap and the stations themselves are crap.

This, this is what Im talking about when I say this is why Trump got elected. Blaming him for the actions of a nutcase. Attacking him every day and getting caught out either lying or stretching the truth. Rigging questions in a national presidential debate. Screaming rhetoric that we all must accept as fact or we are racist, bigots, anti-american and "far right Nazi's". There is no compromise, no criticism its just plain flat out attack. Spend a few months over there and talk to the people. Again, this is why Trump won.

Ive never once ever said just let him govern. That was the Obama mantra. He should be challenged, he actually has many real gaps on policy that could and should be called out.

Criticise him, question his policy decisions and actions. Question and challenge the ideas he has or does not have to solve the problems of the country. Question the decisions of his administration. Im all for that and I think if the hysteria of the current left would calm down they might actually find issues with which Trump has no answers.

As it stands, your all playing his game. Good luck with that.

"Even when Im old and gray, I wont be able to play but Ill still love the game"
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Joined: 28 Feb 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 6:44 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

stui magpie wrote:
I'm enjoying this thread, good robust debate.

FWIW I don't think Trump has created any culture deliberately. What he has done is tap into a pre existing middle America who felt disenfranchised and ignored by the 2 opposing coastal meccas (NY and So Cal) who run the progressive agenda and, to a degree, enabled them to speak up.

He didn't create their views.

At the same time, the closest thing the USA has to left wingers, haven't left therapy since he was elected and attack him without thought or measure at every turn, both winding up their own supporters and pissing off their opponents.

Basically, the US is more polarised than pretty much any time since the civil war

Summed up far better than what I have attempted to do Stu.
I think the divide started under Obama in earnest but could also attributed to Bush and Clinton and your right Trump tapped into it.
Middle American std of living has gone backwards for nearly 20 years

"Even when Im old and gray, I wont be able to play but Ill still love the game"
Michael Jordan
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watt price tully Scorpio

Joined: 15 May 2007

PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 4:18 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

MJ23 wrote:
watt price tully wrote:
thesoretoothsayer wrote:
Farrakhan just days ago said, So when they talk about Farrakhan, call me a hater, you know they do, call me an anti-Semite stop it! Im anti-termite! This bloke is mates with Obama, Clinton, Ellison, Sharpton and Jackson. They all sat with each other at Aretha's funeral.

Yeah, I forgot this. You could also add the increasingly virulent language used by people like Sarsour and the women's march. Also, here's a tweet from Ilhan Omar the Democratic congressional candidate: "Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel."

So you can argue that this guy is just as much the left's guy as he is the rights.
I don't argue this. I argue that he is the person responsible for his horrific crime.

I have no issue with anti-semitism and anti zionism being conflated by the left or by Farrakan: old news. has been going on for ages. However, don't be too clever by half: which left wingers in the US have killed or perpetrated violence on Jews?

Muslim anti semitism is a huge issue (don't bother with the arabs are semites too - we all know what we are talking about) some of which like Trumps active supporters fo down the classiucal anti semtiic tropes regarding not just Soros but Jews trying to control the world stuff. It's where Islamists and extreme right wingers agree.

It is not quite but almost the exclusive domain of the right. No iff's buts or maybe's about it.

The ADLs study concludes online disinformation and abuse is disproportionately targeting Jews in the US during this crucial political moment.

Prior to the election of President Donald Trump, anti-Semitic harassment and attacks were rare and unexpected, even for Jewish Americans who were prominently situated in the public eye. Following his election, anti-Semitism has become normalized and harassment is a daily occurrence, the report says.

There are many more examples. Stop trying to defend the obvious about Trump & his supporters / administration tjhat they have provided the environment ripe for white male right wing murderers to kill people or hurt people because of their religion / race / ethnicity / group etc.

I dont beleive the "far right" are indicative examples of Trumps Base any more than I beleive the "Far left" are examples of Schumer, Clinton, Watters, Booker or Harris base. ( Although Watters did in fact openly support riots and an exiled police killer so .........could be).

I disagree absolutely that Trump, his admin and supporters have provided the environment you speak of. Its so simplistic its not funny and Im tired of it. Radical Islam to the Muslim faith is what KKK is the the catholic faith. By your logic the fact that one element of the faith can be taken to the extreme is grounds for rejecting the whole faith outright. If this is your goto again, Trump will get elected again because there is just no conceding of facts on the left.

White male murders........really. There have been 441 homicides in Chicago this year from what I can tell, 337 of them were African American. Care to guess how many of them were killed by white males ?
Was this fostered by Obama or the current/previous Democrats in charge ?

You too are conflating issues.

In terms of murder of Jews and Blacks, Blacks in terms of walking into a church and killing people simply because thay are black & the same for Jews in the US as happened that is, hate crimes or terror notblack on black violence or urban violence. You've just managed to divert the issue here.

Let me put it this way MJ23. Do you think Trump and his admin / cronies have played any role in any way contributed to creating the environment or enabling the violent right? Lets say anywhere from 1-100% since Trump and Bannon started the election campaign?

Again I draw your attention to the IUS Anti Defamation League and their research. In 2017 anti semtitic incidents have increased by 57% since the election Trump was made president.

“I even went as far as becoming a Southern Baptist until I realised they didn’t keep ‘em under long enough” Kinky Friedman
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Pies4shaw Leo


Joined: 08 Oct 2007

PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 4:36 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Trumps rhetoric has plainly enabled this. Some people want to pretend it hasnt. Youre actually wasting your time engaging with them.
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Joined: 26 Apr 2017

PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 4:40 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Again I draw your attention to the IUS Anti Defamation League and their research. In 2017 anti semtitic incidents have increased by 57% since the election Trump was made president.

More Americans have died of the flu since Trump was made president than in decades. However, since I believe that correlation does not imply causation I will assume it's not Trump's fault (unless evidence is provided to the contrary).[/quote]
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watt price tully Scorpio

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 7:09 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Pies4shaw wrote:
Trumps rhetoric has plainly enabled this. Some people want to pretend it hasnt. Youre actually wasting your time engaging with them.

Yes youre 100% correct. Soothsayer again makes fundamental errors & is a case in point where clear thinking is conspicuous by its absence.

Did I say once Trump caused the murder of Jews by white right wing nationalists? Did Trump, his admin and cronies contribute to enable murderers: absolutely. The only argument here is to what extent?

As you know, whether Trump actually intended to do this is supposition. Im sure he didnt. He is POTUS and needs to take some responsibility and tone down his rhetoric to his true-believers.

“I even went as far as becoming a Southern Baptist until I realised they didn’t keep ‘em under long enough” Kinky Friedman
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stui magpie Gemini

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 7:38 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

An opinion.

Washington (CNN)A top official at an influential coalition of Jewish Republicans on Monday defended President Donald Trump's response to the mass killing at a Pittsburgh synagogue, arguing those who say Trump's harsh rhetoric has stoked national divisions are trying to "score partisan political attacks."

"There are too many people who are using this tragedy for partisan gain," Matt Brooks, who runs the Republican Jewish Coalition, told CNN.
He called Trump's condemnation of anti-Semitism in the wake of Saturday's shooting "very powerful and very strong" and said he has encouraged White House officials to stay the course in the days ahead.

Every dead body on Mt Everest was once a highly motivated person, so maybe just calm the **** down.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 6:39 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

watt price tully wrote:
MJ23 wrote:
watt price tully wrote:
thesoretoothsayer wrote:
Farrakhan just days ago said, So when they talk about Farrakhan, call me a hater, you know they do, call me an anti-Semite stop it! Im anti-termite! This bloke is mates with Obama, Clinton, Ellison, Sharpton and Jackson. They all sat with each other at Aretha's funeral.

Yeah, I forgot this. You could also add the increasingly virulent language used by people like Sarsour and the women's march. Also, here's a tweet from Ilhan Omar the Democratic congressional candidate: "Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel."

So you can argue that this guy is just as much the left's guy as he is the rights.
I don't argue this. I argue that he is the person responsible for his horrific crime.

I have no issue with anti-semitism and anti zionism being conflated by the left or by Farrakan: old news. has been going on for ages. However, don't be too clever by half: which left wingers in the US have killed or perpetrated violence on Jews?

Muslim anti semitism is a huge issue (don't bother with the arabs are semites too - we all know what we are talking about) some of which like Trumps active supporters fo down the classiucal anti semtiic tropes regarding not just Soros but Jews trying to control the world stuff. It's where Islamists and extreme right wingers agree.

It is not quite but almost the exclusive domain of the right. No iff's buts or maybe's about it.

The ADLs study concludes online disinformation and abuse is disproportionately targeting Jews in the US during this crucial political moment.

Prior to the election of President Donald Trump, anti-Semitic harassment and attacks were rare and unexpected, even for Jewish Americans who were prominently situated in the public eye. Following his election, anti-Semitism has become normalized and harassment is a daily occurrence, the report says.

There are many more examples. Stop trying to defend the obvious about Trump & his supporters / administration tjhat they have provided the environment ripe for white male right wing murderers to kill people or hurt people because of their religion / race / ethnicity / group etc.

I dont beleive the "far right" are indicative examples of Trumps Base any more than I beleive the "Far left" are examples of Schumer, Clinton, Watters, Booker or Harris base. ( Although Watters did in fact openly support riots and an exiled police killer so .........could be).

I disagree absolutely that Trump, his admin and supporters have provided the environment you speak of. Its so simplistic its not funny and Im tired of it. Radical Islam to the Muslim faith is what KKK is the the catholic faith. By your logic the fact that one element of the faith can be taken to the extreme is grounds for rejecting the whole faith outright. If this is your goto again, Trump will get elected again because there is just no conceding of facts on the left.

White male murders........really. There have been 441 homicides in Chicago this year from what I can tell, 337 of them were African American. Care to guess how many of them were killed by white males ?
Was this fostered by Obama or the current/previous Democrats in charge ?

You too are conflating issues.

In terms of murder of Jews and Blacks, Blacks in terms of walking into a church and killing people simply because thay are black & the same for Jews in the US as happened that is, hate crimes or terror notblack on black violence or urban violence. You've just managed to divert the issue here.

Let me put it this way MJ23. Do you think Trump and his admin / cronies have played any role in any way contributed to creating the environment or enabling the violent right? Lets say anywhere from 1-100% since Trump and Bannon started the election campaign?

Again I draw your attention to the IUS Anti Defamation League and their research. In 2017 anti semtitic incidents have increased by 57% since the election Trump was made president.

Yep from 1-100% can comfortably say 0%.

Far right AND far left crazys are just that - crazy.
Trump GOT ELECTED because voters outside his base agree with the current problems of illegal immigration among many other things that Obama ignored and is affecting middle America.

Thats MIDDLE america. They are not left or right.

I no more blame Trump for talking to a current problem than CNN and all their mates who plaster each caravan all over the news regardless of what Trump says or doesn't say.

I Blame Trump no more than I blamed Sanders for the Shooting of Steve Scalise or Watters and Clinton for the bullets shot into the Republican campaign office in Volusia County.

I blame Trump no more than I blame the whole Muslim faith over 911. Or Ellison, Watters and even Obama who have supported Farrakhan who has far too many anti-Semitic quotes out there to list including calling all Jews termites, Satanic and poison on the world.

Free speech does not create fanaticism and terrorists - the suppression of speech, ideas and open platforms with which the voters can choose in a democratic Republic society does.

Id suggest there has been no bigger supporter of Israel by any US president in the last 20 years and this as much as anything else could trigger a rise in anti- semitic incidents. I mean he officially recognised Jerusalem as the capital - Obama, Clinton, Bush had congress support and could have done so but didn't and even criticised him for doing so. Trump also threw out the Iran deal.

In the end I agree with you. You cannot argue a case in the current climate. You either agree with group speak or .........
I mean whats the point in trying when a sentence is constructed as "is my point the only correct one and a statement of undisputed fact ?...absolutely the only argument is to what extent....."

Anyway, cant suggest Trump doesn't say whats on his mind and in the end he will either go too far for the voters or they again will quietly disengage from conversations where their views are seen as "thinking that is conspicuous by its absence" and just vote.

Seems to be what happened in 2016.

"Even when Im old and gray, I wont be able to play but Ill still love the game"
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 6:53 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

thesoretoothsayer wrote:
Again I draw your attention to the IUS Anti Defamation League and their research. In 2017 anti semtitic incidents have increased by 57% since the election Trump was made president.

More Americans have died of the flu since Trump was made president than in decades. However, since I believe that correlation does not imply causation I will assume it's not Trump's fault (unless evidence is provided to the contrary).

Nope, I saw Trump sneeze once. Sarah Huckabee Sanders did also at a presser - Have Trump, his admin and cronies contribute to enable an increase in flu deaths ?: absolutely. The only argument here is to what extent?

"Even when Im old and gray, I wont be able to play but Ill still love the game"
Michael Jordan
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Pies4shaw Leo


Joined: 08 Oct 2007

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 6:57 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

There is an obvious difference between expressing a political view, on the one hand and peddling deliberately divisive, hateful rhetoric on the other.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 7:08 am
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Pies4shaw wrote:
There is an obvious difference between expressing a political view, on the one hand and peddling deliberately divisive, hateful rhetoric on the other.

Agree - the problem is by who's definition does a political view become divisive, hateful, rhetoric ?

Currently its the left who have this as their talking points attacking Trump, his Admin and republicans. Ironically they do it through divisive, hateful rhetoric.

"Even when Im old and gray, I wont be able to play but Ill still love the game"
Michael Jordan
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think positive Libra

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 7:21 am
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war, politics, footy, life, its all the same, a power game, look at the atrocities of world war 1 and 2, so much finger pointing, im guessing the countries we point fingers at have a reason to point back.

doesnt give anyone the right to walk into a church and shoot people.

personal responsibility. like manners, its $%$ed

You cant fix stupid, turns out you cant quarantine it either!
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 8:46 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

think positive wrote:
war, politics, footy, life, its all the same, a power game, look at the atrocities of world war 1 and 2, so much finger pointing, im guessing the countries we point fingers at have a reason to point back.

doesnt give anyone the right to walk into a church and shoot people.

personal responsibility. like manners, its $%$ed

Could not agree more. Really makes you despair.

That said - the exception should always be Carlton and its supporters. They are just all kinds of wrong

"Even when Im old and gray, I wont be able to play but Ill still love the game"
Michael Jordan
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watt price tully Scorpio

Joined: 15 May 2007

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 9:09 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

MJ23 wrote:
watt price tully wrote:
MJ23 wrote:
watt price tully wrote:
thesoretoothsayer wrote:
Farrakhan just days ago said, So when they talk about Farrakhan, call me a hater, you know they do, call me an anti-Semite stop it! Im anti-termite! This bloke is mates with Obama, Clinton, Ellison, Sharpton and Jackson. They all sat with each other at Aretha's funeral.



It is not quite but almost the exclusive domain of the right. No iff's buts or maybe's about it.

The ADLs study concludes online disinformation and abuse is disproportionately targeting Jews in the US during this crucial political moment.

Prior to the election of President Donald Trump, anti-Semitic harassment and attacks were rare and unexpected, even for Jewish Americans who were prominently situated in the public eye. Following his election, anti-Semitism has become normalized and harassment is a daily occurrence, the report says.

There are many more examples. Stop trying to defend the obvious about Trump & his supporters / administration tjhat they have provided the environment ripe for white male right wing murderers to kill people or hurt people because of their religion / race / ethnicity / group etc.

I dont beleive the "far right" are indicative examples of Trumps Base any more than I beleive the "Far left" are examples of Schumer, Clinton, Watters, Booker or Harris base. ( Although Watters did in fact openly support riots and an exiled police killer so .........could be).

I disagree absolutely that Trump, his admin and supporters have provided the environment you speak of. .......
Was this fostered by Obama or the current/previous Democrats in charge ?

You too are conflating issues.

In terms of murder of Jews and Blacks, Blacks in terms of walking into a church and killing people simply because thay are black & the same for Jews in the US as happened that is, hate crimes or terror notblack on black violence or urban violence. You've just managed to divert the issue here.

Let me put it this way MJ23. Do you think Trump and his admin / cronies have played any role in any way contributed to creating the environment or enabling the violent right? Lets say anywhere from 1-100% since Trump and Bannon started the election campaign?

Again I draw your attention to the US Anti Defamation League and their research. In 2017 anti semtitic incidents have increased by 57% since the election Trump was made president.

Yep from 1-100% can comfortably say 0%.

Far right AND far left crazys are just that - crazy..........

So this guy acted in a vacuum is what you're saying. There wasn't any context for his beahviour and certainly none of which was contributed to by Trump, Fox, Trumps admin and his cronies.

And you used the word simplistic before? Interesting.

“I even went as far as becoming a Southern Baptist until I realised they didn’t keep ‘em under long enough” Kinky Friedman
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