Not Guilty Costs Betheras $300 more

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Not Guilty Costs Betheras $300 more

Post by michy »

The Age

Tribunal Demands Truthful Evidence
By Emma Quayle

After finding Collingwood midfielder Rupert Betheras guilty of wrestling Fremantle's captain Adrian Fletcher on Saturday night,Collis said the tribunal expected players to be honest, especially when giving evidence against an opposition player.

During the hearing, which lasted more then an hour, Betheras told the tribunal he had grabbed Fletcher to protect himself from concussion. He said that after being hit by Port Adelaide's Josh Francou in a second-round Ansett Cup match,he had suffered bleeding and nightmares.

But when Francou was suspended for 2 matches,Betheras admitted no pain,promting Collis to say ,that the hit had potenial to cause injury.

Betheras was fined $1500, would have been finanically better if he had pleaded guilty to the charge and accepted an automatic $1200 fine.

What a load of crap.So unfair how if ur innocent u have to pay $300 more.Collis why don't u just f**k off u low life jackarse.
Don't worry Rupert,I'll still love u.


Post by Fletch »

Calm down Michy, it was only a fine not a suspension,

I'll send my pal Monkey_Rulz around to give you rub down immediately Image

No need to thank me,

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