WKB. Happy about signing an old man?

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WKB. Happy about signing an old man?

Post by rash »


What on earth are Tottenham up to? Not looking to the future obviously. Signing Sherringham is a step backwards isn't it?

I suppose I shouldn't be too critical. Liverpool signed Garry Mac and he has been outstanding.

What do you think about this Dip? I bet you had a good laugh.
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Post by DIPPER »

Well the rat returns to the sewer,but to be honest with you Rash I don't find it funny cos you just know that he's gonna score the winner/equaliser against us in one of the derby games & then put his hand to his ear to goad the gooner supporters........& THEN I WOULD HAVE TO KILL HIM.
What I didn't find at all funny was reading my paper on Saturday & having a good laugh that Sol was leaving the scummers & then catching another headline that said Man U were making a bid for Viera & that he was in talks with the Arsenal board over his future!If he joined them I would have to kill him as well.

BTW did you see Fowler & Owen together for England against Mexico?they looked awesome-forget about Heskey he's just a big lump get those together & you might win the league next year.

I do not & have never loved Liverpool FC

Post by rash »

I didn't see the England Mexico game Dip but I did hear that Fowler and Owen looked good. Not much opposition though. Bring on the Greeks.
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Post by DIPPER »

Double footballer of the year?Well I tell ya those awards mean **** all to me-every year I'm staggered by the choices that they make.But then one is voted for by the players who are a bunch of idiots & the other is voted by the press who just all get on the same bandwagon regarding players.'Teddy' had a great start to the season but just ended up as a substitute for the 2nd half of the season, so I don't see how this justifies player of the year.Last year they gave them to Ginola, which was even more outrageous as he really didn't do sweet FA.This year I would have made a better case for Gerrard,Viera (who was Carling player of the year) or even McAllister.
I must confess to having a genuine loathing of Teddy, he's from a place quite near to where I'm from (as is Beckham) & once just before Christmas in the afternoon I was in a pub & who walked in but half the Spurs team- Sheringham,Ruddock,Sedgeley,Howells & I think a young Barmby (although I wasn't 100% sure what he looked like then) & they procedded to play some sort of drinking game led by Neil Ruddock who started getting pissed & a bit noisy-well I can tell you I was contemplating doing some sort of KAMIKAZEE attack on them-I figured that if I managed to injure them all enough that they couldn't ever play again then even if they'd managed to batter me to death that I would go down in history as a gooner legend alongside the likes of Adams, Brady, Wright etc but then I looked at Neil Ruddock's BIG sloping forehead & figured that he was probably the closest thing to the missing link that I was ever likely to see & so I jus quietly sat in the corner drinking my pint-LOL
BTW when you say that Sheringham will do wonders for Rebrov you could be right but not in the way that you think-the best favour he has done Rebrov is make it easier for him to leave because the talk is over here that Rebrov wants to go, he regrets not joining his mate Schevshenko at Milan last year & is hoping to go there this summer.Anderton is mouthing off about going as well but that would probably be a good thing as you'll NEVER get even half a season out of that waste of space let alone a whole one.But the good news is that Spurs are the favourites to sign Gus Poyet from Chelsea, notice any similarites in hoddles signings?yes none of them are young-good to see that Spurs have learnt from their mistakes & are now building for the future-LOL

Yeh Rash hopefully we'll deal with the Greeks pretty easily although Owen has a slight injury (hamstring again).The Aussies have just arrived as well so the sight of Steve Waugh's ugly mug in the papers is getting me pretty pumped up for that as well.

I do not & have never loved Liverpool FC
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Post by DIPPER »

9You know I like Ginola-I like him as a man & I love him as a footballer (or should that be the other way round-LOL) but when he was player of the year it seemed like he did a lot of fancy stuff but wasn't consistent enough to be crowned the top player in the land.I think I was getting the year mixed up but I couldn't believe that he got the awards in the same season that Man U won the treble (which was 98/99 wasn't it?) surely Yorke or one of those pricks would have been more deserving (the problem is that the voting is done quite some way before the end of the season so it doesn't always fully reflect what goes on at the bussiness end of the season).
As for Teddy, there was a while when I thought he was virtually England's most important player-when he played just behind Shearer in Euro 96 he was awesome.I will remeber the 4-1 humiliation of Holland for as long as I live & he was the chief architect of that victory (the greatest by an England side that I've ever seen) but I still hate him.He'll probably be good for you but at 35 I can't help thinking that it's a bit short term.You know that I rate those youngsters you've got & things can only improve down at the Lane & you never know you might actually start giving us a decent game again (but don't hold your breath)

I do not & have never loved Liverpool FC
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Post by DIPPER »

I take that as a slur against my character & good name-if you don't withdraw that libellous statement I may be forced to initiate legal proceddings against you.My drinking has never got in the way of my hatred for THFC, it's just that by the law of averages you should be able to give us a good game in the near future cos god knows it's been a long time now.

I do not & have never loved Liverpool FC
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